Tag: training

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Egypt’s Accountability State Authority Contributes to Regional Events, Chairs COMESA Board, Participates in African Union Audit

gypt’s Accountability State Authority (ASA) participated in several virtual events, including the 16th Arab Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ARABOSAI) Capacity Building Committee and 15th ARABOSAI Professional and Supervisory Standards Committee meetings on May 14, 2020; and the…

SAI Myanmar Hosts Virtual International Standards Training

Myanmar’s Office of the Auditor General of the Union (OAG) has launched virtual training opportunities on International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). As the OAG continues plans to transform the government accounting system from a cash to accrual basis…

Online Training Opportunity Addressing Accountability in Challenging Times, Building Auditor Resilience

The National Intergovernmental Audit Forum (NIAF) is pleased to announce there is no-cost space available to participate in the 23rd Biennial Forum of Government Auditors July 28-30, 2020! As the COVID-19 Pandemic has posed…

Free Virtual Workshop on Future of Public Audit

Durham University is hosting a FREE virtual workshop on “The Future of Public Audit” June 18-19, 2020. Learn more about the workshop and register for the event by…

Cyprus Audit Office Hosts Seminar Addressing New EU Regulation

The Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus hosted a seminar on the European Union’s new General Data Protection Regulation. The seminar focused on…

SAI Myanmar Enhances Performance Audit Capacity and Report Writing

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Myanmar and Norway includes cooperation to enhance work in performance and compliance audits. In January 2020, SAI Myanmar established a 14-member unit specializing in performance audits, and as part of the MoU…

NAO Bahrain Hosts Internal Audit Seminar, Earns Prestigious Regional Award, Contributes to Sustainability and Participates in SAI PMF Workshop

The National Audit Office (NAO) of the Kingdom of Bahrain organized a seminar on the importance of internal audit. The two-day seminar, attended by more than 150 employees from 55 government agencies, focused on international standards, important developments and latest practices. The event also highlighted…

Egypt’s Accountability State Authority Hosts Meetings, Participates in International Forums, Continues Long Tradition of Collaborative Efforts

Egypt’s Accountability State Authority hosted several meetings, participated in international forums and continued the organization’s long-standing tradition of collaborative efforts as 2019 came to a close. The ASA…

Kuwait’s State Audit Bureau Welcomes New President, Continues International Training, Cooperation Efforts

Kuwait’s State Audit Bureau welcomes a new President and continues its international training, cooperation and participation efforts, including contributions to the Young EUROSAI (YES) Conference held in London last November…

Supreme Audit Court of Iran Participates in Economic Forum, Hosts Successful International Performance Audit Training

The Supreme Audit Court of Iran participated in the Astana Economic Foru and hosted a successful international training course on performance audit to close out 2019…

From Waste Management to Circular Economy: SAI Cyprus Hosts EUROSAI WGEA

The Audit Office of the Republic of Cyprus hosted the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) Spring Session on May 7-8, 2019, in Kalopanayiotis, Cyprus. The main theme of the meeting, which was attended by approximately 50 representatives from 23 countries…

Myanmar, Norway Collaborate on Environmental Audit Workshop

The Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Myanmar and Norway jointly held an Environmental Audit workshop in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, in February. The workshop, designed to introduce environmental auditing in line with…

Cooperative Audits Subcommittee Launches Virtual Training

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Subcommittee on Cooperative Audits has developed a self-instructive virtual course, “Guidelines for the Execution of Cooperative Audits,” earlier this year to address…

Joint SAI PMF Basic Training Course a Regional Success

The Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions’ (OLACEFS) Commission of Performance Evaluation and Performance Indicators (CEDEIR) organized a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) Basic Training Course held in Lima, Peru…

SAO Hungary Hosts EURORAI Seminar on Auditing Local, Regional Companies

The State Audit Office (SAO) of Hungary hosted a seminar for the European Organization of Regional External Public Finance Audit Institutions (EURORAI) in Székesfehérvár, Hungary, in October 2018. Nearly 180 experts from 70 regional external public finance audit institutions in 25 countries attended the international seminar that focused on…

GAB Saudi Arabia Opens New Training Center, Signs Cooperation Agreement with GAO

H.E. Dr. Hussam Alangari, President of the General Auditing Bureau of Saudi Arabia (GAB), officially inaugurated the Saudi Center for Audit Training at GAB’s headquarters in Riyadh in July. The center’s establishment aims to…

Romania’s Court of Accounts Cultivates the Future Through Internship Program

The Romanian Court of Accounts (RCoA), in keeping with its present and envisaged future development, seeks active involvement in developing the next generation of professionals in the field of external public audit. RCoA aims to create a favorable context for knowledge transfer among generations and…

Training for State Auditors

Human resources are the most valuable asset in each organization and there is a relationship between human resource management and organizational performance. In the field of state audit, failure in human resource management would negatively impact the overall performance of a supreme audit institution (SAI)). In an endeavour to develop human capital competencies in SAIs, training is introduced as…

Save the Date for Signals 2018!

The National Audit Office (NAO) of Lithuania will host “Signals 2018” November 28, 2018, in Vilnius, Lithuania. “Signals 2018,” the NAO’s second sustainable development conference, will invite participants to consider two signals…

Thailand Hosts IDI, ASOSAI Blended Learning Certification Program

The State Audit Office (SAO) of the Kingdom of Thailand coordinated and hosted an International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Development Initiative (IDI) Blended Learning Specialist Certification event October 9-27, 2017. The program, conducted in cooperation with IDI…

Mutual Experience Benefits Nordic Supreme Audit Institutions

Delegates from the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden participated in a two-day seminar held in Oslo. The seminar covered two main themes…

Delegates Attend ACCA Conference in Myanmar

Mr. Maw Than, Union Auditor General from the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Myanmar, alongside…