Tag: Brazil

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The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in the Prevention and Mitigation of Disasters
February 21, 2024
What is the role of Supreme Audit Institutions in relation to immigrants, refugees, and stateless people?
January 8, 2024
Evaluation of Information Quality From the User’s Perspective

This article presents a methodology to assess the effective transparency of information published on public entities’ portals. It considers not only the mere availability of information but also quality requirements of information, such as timeliness, completeness, conciseness, accuracy, clarity, reliability, accessibility, and relevance.

Assessment of the Maturity and Impact of Tax Incentives for Regional Development: Application of the Control Framework for Public Policies and Impact Assessments

In 2022, the Brazilian Court of Audit (TCU) and the Comptroller General of the Union audited the Automotive Regional Development Policies (PADR) of the Brazilian government. These policies, created in the late 1990s, granted tax credits to automobile manufacturers that established factories in less developed regions of Brazil. 

A New Handbook Highlights Ways External Audits Can Strengthen Budget Credibility

Recognizing the significance of budget credibility and the demand for further research and practical guidance on this critical topic, over the last two years Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have collaborated with the Division for Public Institutions and Digital Government of the United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DPIDG/UNDESA) and the International Budget Partnership (IBP) to develop a handbook for auditors on how their work can contribute to improving budget credibility. The output of this far-reaching effort has been published recently in Strengthening Budget Credibility Through External Audits: A Handbook for Auditors. 

The Supreme Audit Institutions in the Fight against the Climate Crisis: ClimateScanner, a Global Initiative of INTOSAI
November 28, 2023
Evolution and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in SAIs

Over time, many definitions have been given to the term Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the association of the term with others, such as machine learning and deep learning, has resulted in difficulties for a better understanding of the topic.

Letter from chair of intosai
The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in Auditing Policies to Combat Hunger and Poverty
October 16, 2023
IDI Board
The INTOSAI Development Initiative Welcomes Four New Board Members
October 4, 2023
Letter from chair of intosai
Letter from the Chair of INTOSAI
October 2, 2023
INTOSAI Survey to Map SAIs Capacity on Climate Change
August 21, 2023
News in Brief
Minister Bruno Dantas
News in Brief
President Bruno Dantas signs a directive to promote gender equity in the TCU
August 4, 2023
News in Brief
News in Brief
SAI Brazil approves internal guidelines on citizen participation
July 26, 2023
News in Brief
News in Brief
Sustainability at the Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU Brazil)
July 19, 2023
News in Brief
News in Brief
Inter-American Development Bank publishes case study on Continuous Payroll Audit
July 7, 2023
News in Brief
TCU in the elections cover
News in Brief
Brazilian Voting System Audit Highlighted at Event in Panama
June 28, 2023
OLACEFS Capacity Building Committee Launches the 2022-2024 OLACEFS Training Plan
October 27, 2022
OLACEFS Capacity Building Committee Launches the 2022-2024 OLACEFS Training Plan

The Capacity Building Committee (CCC) of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) launched the 2022-2024 OLACEFS Training Plan, which contemplates the offer of capacity building initiatives for the three-year period. 

Building Resilience in Times of Adversity

I was Vice President of the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) when COVID-19 broke out worldwide, posing extraordinary challenges to people and organizations. However, this was not the first time I had faced adversity. Having lived through difficult historical periods in Brazilian history, such as the years of military dictatorship, I have been…

SAI Brazil Stresses Gender Equality, Launches SAI Information Panel

In January 2021, Minister Ana Arraes took over as President of the Federal Court of Accounts of Brazil. She is only the second woman to occupy this position; before her, Minister Elvira Lordello Castello Branco led the organization in 1994. As head of SAI Brazil, Minister Arraes’ priority is to establish policies that promote…

Next Destination: INCOSAI XXIV

The Tribunal de Contas da União, Brazil’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), will host the XXIV International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Congress (INCOSAI), the largest international forum for the audit community…