The Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA) hosted the 10th European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, May 22-25, 2017. This year’s congressional theme—”Implementation of International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs): Challenges and Solutions for Improvement”—geared participants toward discovering ways ISSAIs can be enhanced to best serve…
Fraud in public management can be defined as the abusive use of power by a person vested with public authority or mandate, to serve their own or private interests.
Given the risks associated with fraud, the Kingdom of Morocco has spared no effort in promoting an exhaustive and integrated vision to tackle this global challenge that affects economic and social development. Morocco’s particular attention to the fight against fraud is reflected in the 2011 Constitution, which has elevated good governance bodies to constitutional status, and enshrined the principles of good governance(1), transparency, accountability and the moralization of public life(2). The protection of these principles has been entrusted to the Court of Audit(3).
To promote a culture of ethics, probity, and transparency in public administration, the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Guatemala recently released a mobile app, available for iOS and Android, which enables citizens themselves to…