Tag: capacity building

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AFROSAI-E Engages Member Countries and Key Stakeholders at the 2022 Strategic Review & 18th Governing Board Meeting

Over 110 delegates from AFROSAI-E’s 26 member countries, partner institutions, and key stakeholders attended its 2022 Strategic Review and 18th Governing Board meeting.

OLACEFS Capacity Building Committee Launches the 2022-2024 OLACEFS Training Plan

The Capacity Building Committee (CCC) of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) launched the 2022-2024 OLACEFS Training Plan, which contemplates the offer of capacity building initiatives for the three-year period. 

AFROSAI-E Supports SAIs in Becoming Gender-Responsive Organizations

In 2020, the African Organization of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E) embarked on a journey to support the region’s SAIs in their efforts to strengthen gender equality. The two main objectives of this initiative were to help SAIs become gender-responsive organizations, and to…

Auditing Gender Equality: An Opportunity for SAIs to Make a Difference and Lead by Example

When the Office of the Auditor General of Canada (OAG Canada) audited the Federal Plan on Gender Equality in 2009, it was one of the first Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to undertake an audit of its government’s commitment to achieve gender equality. Since then…

New Infographic from INTOSAI’s ACCC Showcases SAI Resilience and Creativity

SAIs in difficult circumstances have often demonstrated considerable creativity and resilience during the pandemic. INTOSAI’s Capacity Building Committee workstream on Auditing in Complex and Challenging Contexts (ACCC) has sought to capture some of this richness in its new infographic on Getting Connected. The document is not a classic how-to manual, but rather a…

Peer Review Seminar Offers Valuable Knowledge, Insights

The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) of Slovakia, the Chair of the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee’s (CBC) Subcommittee on Peer Reviews, organized a virtual seminar on “Getting Ready for Peer Review” on November 10, 2021. Nine speakers from seven SAIs and the European Court of Auditors (ECA) shared their insights into peer review procedures, as well as…

Global Stocktaking Shows Slow Progress in Difficult Waters

In September 2021, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) released the Global Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Stocktaking Report 2020, the fourth triennial analysis of data from an INTOSAI Global Survey on SAI performance and capacities. The report, which covers the period of 2017 to 2019, marks the 10-year anniversary of the Global Stocktaking, which has been an important source of…

IDI’s Gender Annex Indicates SAIs Need to Build Capacity to Become More Gender Responsive

On December 10, 2021, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) launched a special Gender Annex to the Global Stocktaking Report 2020. The Annex—Towards Greater Gender Equality in and through SAIs – Opportunities for SAIs and Support Providers—examines the commitments Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have made on gender, and how these commitments have translated into action. The analysis of responses from 178 SAIs tells a story about…

CBC Steering Committee Meeting Highlights Progress Made Despite Challenges

On September 29, 2021, INTOSAI’s Capacity Building Committee (CBC) held its annual Steering Committee meeting, led by South African Auditor General Tsakani Maluleke, CBC Chair, and Swedish Auditor General Helena Lindberg, CBC Vice Chair. The virtual event featured updates from the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) leading CBC’s subcommittees, task forces, and workstreams, whose work demonstrates…

OLACEFS Capacity Building Committee Publishes Portfolio of Resources

The Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) Capacity Building Committee (CCC) has published a portfolio with the main products it has developed in recent years. The aim of this effort was to…

Strategic Management when All Bets Are Off

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, 22 Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) teams participating in INTOSAI Development Initiative’s (IDI) Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting (SPMR) initiative found themselves in a precarious situation. They had spent over a year assessing their performance and crafting a strategic plan, which seemed to be turned upside down in the face of…

Observations of a Technical Advisor to Developing SAIs

Over the past decades—with the support of development partners, INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), INTOSAI regional bodies, and external consultants—many developing Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have made considerable progress toward meeting internationally recognized standards. However…

Improving the Effectiveness of Internal Audit Departments Within Public Sector Entities

Over the last five years, agencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s public sector have undergone fundamental transformations—including restructuring, implementing governance mechanisms, and activating control requirements—aimed at improving their performance. The General Court of Audit (GCA), the country’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), has sought to contribute to these efforts by…

Nine SAIs in Challenging Contexts Poised for Greater Performance

Nine SAIs in challenging contexts are strengthening their performance with the support of the Accelerated Peer-support Partnership Program, a partnership of IDI, AFROSAI-E, and CREFIAF. In spite of difficult circumstances and the negative impact of COVID-19, these SAIs have…

SAI Madagascar Builds Capacity through Bilateral Support

“The Malagasy people deserve an independent, visible, and credible Court of Accounts. Today, we are strengthening our institution, so that the country can be confident in the management of public money.” So said the President of Madagascar’s Court of Accounts, Mr. Jean de Dieu Rakotondramihamina, during…

SAI Turkey Provides Training to Build Capacity of Public Entities

The Turkish Court of Audit (TCA) provides trainings not only to its own staff and international stakeholders, but also to employees of the public entities it audits, in accordance with international standards, TCA’s Strategic Plan (2019-2023), and its communication strategy. These trainings…

SAI Somalia’s Remarkable Strategic Journey, 2017-2020

In a post-conflict Somalia, strong Auditor General leadership and peer-to-peer cooperation with international partners have been key to improving the performance of the country’s SAI. In the span of about three years, the Office of the Auditor General of the Federal Republic of Somalia (OAGS) has transformed itself into an organization that…

SAO Thailand Continues Capacity Building Efforts During Pandemic

Thailand was affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic early on and has continuously imposed strict measures to prevent and control the spread of the virus at all levels. The State Audit Office (SAO) of the Kingdom of Thailand, an independent organization monitoring government spending of public funds and resources during the crisis, is also facing unprecedented challenges to which the SAO remains committed to…

Supreme Audit Institutions: Important Partners for German Development Cooperation

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), key partners for the German Development Cooperation (GDC), strengthen Public Financial Management (PFM) system performance and are key actors in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In its “Marshall Plan with Africa,” the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has recognized the prominent roles SAIs…

Collaboration, Exchange Between CNAO and GAO Contribute to Enhanced Audit Capacity

Committed to collaborative partnerships, the heads of the National Audit Office of the People’s Republic of China (CNAO) and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2012 to facilitate cooperation and information exchange. Since then, both Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have…

Technology: Opportunities to Build Capacity, Enhance Oversight

Technology has changed how we do business, how we conduct public administration and human relations, and how we analyze information. Technological advances have also impacted the auditor´s role with huge implications in government oversight. Using new tools, such as…

CNAO AG Establishes SAI, Regional Milestones

Ms. Hu Zejun, CNAO Auditor General, at the XIV Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Assembly in Hanoi, Vietnam, assumed the ASOSAI General Secretariat role and responsibilities. In the coming years, Ms. Hu would like the CNAO and ASOSAI to achieve certain milestones…