Fifty years ago, INTOSAI published the first edition of the International Journal of Government Auditing (IJGA) at the 1971 Montreal Congress of INTOSAI (INCOSAI). Shortly thereafter, the INTOSAI Governing Board approved establishing a quarterly publication to facilitate knowledge sharing across our community. In 1974…
In recent years, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have increasingly seen the value in engaging with civil society as a way to enhance government accountability and the quality of their audits. While we regularly engage with civil society during the normal course of our work, at no time has this been more important than during global emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic that we all have experienced for going on three years.
The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK) organized a Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) seminar earlier this year in Bali, Indonesia, to increase awareness about SAI PMF as a useful tool for SAIs within the Asian region. The SAI PMF is an international framework for self, peer or external assessment of a SAI’s performance…