
SAI Peru Shares Knowledge with SAI Paraguay on the Application of Performance Auditing and the Concurrent Control Model

June 27, 2024

From June 11 to 14, 2024, in the city of Lima, Peru, the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru welcomed 14 officials from the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Paraguay, in order to carry out a training day on the application of Performance Auditing, as well as the application of the Concurrent Control model based on a preventive approach, on the basis of a results-oriented management.

The aforementioned conference was held at the facilities of the National School of Control of SAI Peru and in order to strengthen the auditing work of both Supreme Audit Institutions, its objective was to share knowledge, good practices and experiences with significant results of the application of Performance Auditing, as well as the positive and relevant impact of the application of the preventive model of Concurrent Control, in favor of an adequate use of state resources for the benefit of the citizens.

During the days of training, the SAI Peru explained the implementation of the audit according to the structure approved by the Office of the Comptroller General, from the Multiannual Performance Audit Plan to the implementation of its recommendations, in order to contribute to and promote improvements in public management, valuing the importance of the recommendations in the improvement of the processes of the results chain that provide goods and services provided by public entities to citizens. He also explained how the Concurrent Control is one of the central axes of the strategy of reform and modernization of government control in Peru, aimed at contributing to greater efficiency and quality of government management, so that the population has better public services. It was a propitious opportunity for the delegation of the SAI of Paraguay to learn about the practical side of the implementation of Concurrent Control through a field visit to the work of the new Jorge Chavez International Airport, which will be the first Airport City of South America, said work is one of the largest infrastructure projects underway in Peru.

The training activity was attended by 14 officials from the SAI of Paraguay, a delegation led by its Deputy Comptroller General, Mr. Augusto José Félix Paiva; as well as by Econ. Nelson Shack Yalta, Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru. The presentations were made by officials from the Department of Prevention and Social Control, the Subdepartment of Performance Auditing, the Department for the Control of Megaprojects and the Subdepartment for the Control of Megaprojects of the SAI of Peru.

For more information related to the concurrent control model please see the following documents: