Key Elections Held For 2028 INCOSAI Host and INTOSAI Chair and 2027 ASOSAI Assembly Host

At the 59th Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Governing Board meeting in Busan, Korea on September 20 to 22, 2023, the ASOSAI Governing Board members, made up of Supreme Audit Institutions from the Asian region, held elections for key INTOSAI and ASOSAI leadership positions.
Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia Selected as INTOSAI Chair in 2028.
The ASOSAI Governing Board selected the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (SAI Indonesia) as the proposed host of the XXVI International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) and the next INTOSAI Chair in 2028. SAI Indonesia Chair, Dr. Isma Yatun stated, “By collaborating towards a common goal through sharing and caring among SAIs and our stakeholders, we can strengthen relationships in a global community to contribute to a better future of our people and planet”.
In this role, SAI Indonesia will serve on the INTOSAI Governing Board as the First Vice-Chair beginning in 2025, and then as the Chair from 2028 to 2031. This determination will be carried out formally at INTOSAI Congress XXV 2025 in Egypt. SAI Indonesia will also host the XXVI INCOSAI in 2028, which occurs every three years and is the supreme organ of the organization, consisting of all INTOSAI members. In the framework of the INCOSAI, the most essential decisions on fundamental INTOSAI matters, like possible amendments of the Statutes, the Strategic Plan or the triennial budget are taken at INCOSAI.
To learn more about SAI Indonesia, please visit:

The General Court of Audit in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Selected as ASOSAI Assembly Host in 2027
Additionally, during the ASOSAI Governing Board meeting, the Governing Board members elected the General Court of Audit in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (SAI Saudi Arabia) as the host of the 17th Assembly of ASOSAI in 2027. This will be the first time that Saudi Arabia has hosted the ASOSAI Assembly.
The ASOSAI Assembly consists of all members of the Organization and meets once in three years. Each Assembly has a symposium focused on a specific theme, and holds keynote addresses, presentations, and panel discussions to further SAI knowledge sharing and capacity development in key audit topic areas.
To learn more about General Court of Audit in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, please visit:

ASOSAI is one of the regional groups of INTOSAI, which aims to promote understanding and cooperation among member institutions through exchange of ideas and experiences in the field of Public Audit.
The Secretariat of ASOSAI is held by the National Audit Office of China (SAI China), and the Chair is currently SAI Thailand. To learn more, visit: