SAI Hungary Helps Spread Culture of Integrity

A key decision of the 2017 European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) Congress was that one-year project groups could be established by State Audit Institutions (SAIs). The State Audit Office (SAO) of Hungary took this opportunity and created a project group on “The Role of SAIs in Spreading a Culture of Integrity” to contribute to establishing and extending integrity within the region.
Project group participants included Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Georgia, Macedonia, Romania and Ukraine. Croatia and Portugal also participated as observers.
The SAO created an interactive, online marketplace for good practices and institutional solutions connected to integrity, where participants of the project group could share related experiences and materials, and establish bilateral or multilateral cooperations to learn about integrity solutions from peers. This one-stop-shop for integrity included integrity-related tools and methods, such as self-assessments, surveys and audits.
The ability to directly communicate and share knowledge and experiences with one another resulted in a large, descriptive database of integrity-related products and practices and provided precise and thorough assistance in measuring integrity in respective SAI environments.
At the conclusion of the project group, the SAO will focus on transferring achieved results to EUROSAI activities.