SAI Egypt Participates in Several Events, External Audit of COMESA

The Accountability State Authority (ASA) of Egypt, as one of four members of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa’s (COMESA) Board of External Auditors 2018-2020, participated in auditing accounts of COMESA institutions and the Secretariat for the fiscal year ending on December 31, 2017. The audit, which took place from August to October 2018, has been finalized, and the final audit reports have been submitted. Egypt will chair COMESA’s Board of External Auditors in 2019.
SAI Egypt participated in several key COMESA events throughout 2018, including the Audit and Budgetary Matters Subcommittee; Administrative and Budgetary Matters Committee; Inter-Governmental Committee and Council of Ministers meetings.
The ASA will also represent Egypt, which was elected during the African Union (AU) General Assembly held in Nouakchott, Mauritania, as a permanent member to the AU Board of External Auditors due to being a top AU contributor.