Tag: sdgs

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Strategic Environmental Assessments to Address Sustainability

The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 marks an impressive milestone in the modernized world’s history. Nearly all UN-member countries have accepted (and most have ratified) the SDGs into national policy frameworks. The SDG initiative attempts to…

ASOSAI Assembly Focuses on Environmental Auditing, Sustainability

A memorable cultural performance officially opened the 2018 Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Assembly in Hanoi, Vietnam, hosted by the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV), the nation’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI). Dr. Ho Duc Phoc, SAV Auditor General (AG) and incoming ASOSAI chair, welcomed delegates and…

SAI Poland Completes National SDG Audit of Preparedness

Poland has declared its commitment to implement the United Nations (UN) Agenda 2030 and the agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a task which calls for cooperation from the entire administration and all relevant stakeholders. A new development model for Poland, outlined in the government’s…

We Have to Be a Beacon: Jamaica’s AG Reflects on SAI’s SDG Journey

The development of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in my view, is a reflection of the proclivity of the human spirit to forge towards the betterment of the human race. I am an early supporter of the SDGs—embracing the targets’ ambitiousness, as well as the all-inclusive approach and framework surrounding…

Improving Environmental Performance Audits, Cultivating Sustainability

Since 2005, the Office of the State Audit Office (SAO) of the Kingdom of Thailand, the nation’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), has been responsible for initiating environmental audits, and the SAO gives precedence to environmental issues involving sustainable development. This article depicts the SAO’s three-phase approach in carrying out environmental performance audits and cultivating…

Are We Prepared? SAI Poland’s Experience Auditing National SDG Implementation Preparedness

Poland has declared its commitment to implement the 2030 UN Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a task calling for cooperation from the entire administration and all relevant stakeholders. A new development model for Poland, outlined in the country’s Strategy for Responsible Development, meets Agenda 2030 expectations and is consistent with…

Bulgarian NAO Hosts Conference, Analyzes Crucial Organic Foods Sector

Under the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the BNAO organized a high-level conference on “The Role of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in Enhancing Accountability, Transparency and Integrity in the Public Sector.” The conference included delegates from…

Auditing Energy Savings in Public Administration in Slovakia

The question of resources and their efficiency is as old as humankind. INTOSAI and individual SAIs certainly have this topic on their minds. Energy efficiency is also at the heart of Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and the transition to a resource efficient economy. Energy efficiency is arguably one of the most cost effective ways to…

SDG Audit Results Framework

The new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were negotiated as a result of a global commitment made at Rio+20 to be implemented from 2016 until 2030. The SDGs will be at the center of the post-2015 development agenda. The goals will pose many challenges for national development strategies of all countries, with important implications for…

The Water Will Come: A Conversation with Prominent Climate Change Expert

“It’s a done deal. We are going to get a significant amount of sea level rise.” Jeff Goodell does not mince words. “Sea-level rise is one of the central facts of our time, as real as gravity. It will reshape our world in ways most of us can only dimly imagine”…

Save the Date for Signals 2018!

The National Audit Office (NAO) of Lithuania will host “Signals 2018” November 28, 2018, in Vilnius, Lithuania. “Signals 2018,” the NAO’s second sustainable development conference, will invite participants to consider two signals…

OLACEFS, IDI Host Coordinated Audit Conference on SDG5

The Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS), with support from the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Development Initiative (IDI), hosted a conference for the Coordinated Audit on SDG 5: Gender Equality. Participants in the April 2018 event in Buenos Aires, Argentina, included…

ASOSAI WGEA Holds Seminar, Working Meeting

The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand hosted the Seventh Seminar on Environmental Auditing in conjunction with the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions’ (ASOSAI) sixth Working Group on Environmental Audit (WGEA) meeting January 29-31, 2018, at Khao Yai National Park, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Fifty-seven participants from 24 ASOSAI member-states…

Exploring New Ways to Audit Training, Build Capacity, Address Sustainability

Capacity building is critical for all dynamic organizations, both public and private. Training, an essential tool to systematically build capacity, also helps achieve desired organizational objectives. Public sector training programs are generally funded through national budgetary allocations and tend to be subject to audit by Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), the nature of which is determined by…

Transforming the World Through Sustainability Efforts

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have served citizens by ensuring accountable use of public resources for national development. Irrespective of borders, across the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) community, members are collaborating with international peers and counterparts to ensure value-based delivery of services to citizens. This proven conviction in SAI capabilities is exemplified by…

Fighting Poverty Together: How IDI is Making a Difference

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) achieves significant and sustainable impact through the way it works. Following Costa Rica’s implementation of “Bridge to Development,” a national strategy aimed at caring for families in extreme poverty, IDI supported Costa Rica’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) with analyzing and evaluating the program’s effectiveness and efficiency…

CGR Issues Opinion on Climate Change Pressures

The Office of the Comptroller General of Costa Rica issued an opinion document to provide input to the Legislative Assembly regarding key elements that exert pressure on the Public Treasury as a result of climate variability and change. The document’s relevance centers on the heavy consideration that must be given to climate change…

Towards Agenda 2030: A Gender Equal World

Gender gap issues are complications that affect humanity as a whole, but adopting measures to foster political, social, cultural and economic changes means embarking on a complex process. It is important for countries to address gender inequality…

National Audit Office of Lithuania Sends Signals to Public Sector

There are various ways Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) can affect the public sector. Audit is just one of them. The National Audit Office of Lithuania (NAOL), in partnership with the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), chose a less traditional means of impact…

Declaration of Asunción on SAI Budgetary Security

One of the outcomes from the OLACEFS General Assembly held in Asunción, Paraguay, in October 2017, was the issuance of the Declaration of Asunción on Budgetary Security and Financial Stability of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). Reflecting the concept that oversight/control is an essential part of government operations, the declaration acknowledges…

GAO, CNAO Hold Joint Seminar on Impacts of Aging Populations

“Two great nations, two great Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), two great topics,” noted Dr. Robin Travis, National Audit Office (NAO) of Sweden, as “The Impacts of Aging Populations on National Governments” seminar got underway at the United States (U.S.) Government Accountability Office (GAO) headquarters…

Auditing the SDGs: New Developments at the German SAI

The governing board of the Bundesrechnungshof, the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Germany, made a strategic decision in July 2017 to prioritize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in its future audit work. The SDGs will now function as a cross-cutting audit theme…