Tag: cooperation

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Building Partnerships to Combat Fraud, Corruption Via Effective SAI Technical Support

Preventing fraud and corruption are major challenges facing governments, particularly those of developing countries. Government inability to establish effective internal audit and financial control systems and adequately establish or resource organizations charged with identifying fraud and corruption are just some causes of fraudulent and corrupt behavior. While no system exists to entirely avert fraud and corruption…

EUROSAI Audit Methodology Experts Unite To Discuss Common Concerns

Audit methodology experts from nearly 30 European Organizations of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) SAIs gathered in Warsaw, Poland, late last year to attend the region’s inaugural Audit Methodology meeting. Some 60 delegates participated in the two-day event hosted by SAI Poland to discuss…

SAI Peru Assists SAI Honduras with Strategic Way Forward

During a special ceremony held at Peru’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) headquarters, Peru’s Comptroller General, Mr. Nelson Shack Yalta, delivered the Institutional Strategic Plan (2018-2023), Multi-Annual Audit Plan and Action Plan to the President of SAI Honduras, Mr. Roy Pineda Castro, as part of a Memorandum of Understanding…

UK NAO Hosts 14th JSF Supreme Audit Institution Conference

The United Kingdom (UK) National Audit Office hosted the 14th Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) conference in September 2018, where SAI delegates from each of the nine partner nations involved (Australia, Canada, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, UK and United States) met to exchange insights from audit work and share knowledge of the most expensive weapons procurement program in the world…

INTOSAI CBC, Donor-Cooperation Seek to “Widen the Circle”

A primary focus of this year’s International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) joint Capacity Building Committee (CBC) and INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee (IDSC) meeting was people, and the themes of “Inspiring and Encouraging One Another,” “Putting Our People First,” and “Forward Together,” clearly conveyed this notion…

Slovenia and Malta Supreme Audit Institutions Sign Employee Exchange Agreement

The Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Slovenia and Malta share a common mission and similar objectives. Because of this, Tomaž Vesel, President, SAI Slovenia, and Charles Deguara, Auditor General, SAI Malta, signed an employee exchange agreement earlier this year designed to…

GAB Saudi Arabia Opens New Training Center, Signs Cooperation Agreement with GAO

H.E. Dr. Hussam Alangari, President of the General Auditing Bureau of Saudi Arabia (GAB), officially inaugurated the Saudi Center for Audit Training at GAB’s headquarters in Riyadh in July. The center’s establishment aims to…

SAI UAE Contributes to INTOSAI Meetings, Signs MoU with SAI Hungary

A delegation from the United Arab Emirates’ State Audit Institution (SAI), chaired by H.E. Dr. Harib Saeed Al Amimi, SAI President and Chairman of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), participated in the annual INTOSAI Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) meeting held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The meeting included…

Romania’s Court of Accounts Cultivates the Future Through Internship Program

The Romanian Court of Accounts (RCoA), in keeping with its present and envisaged future development, seeks active involvement in developing the next generation of professionals in the field of external public audit. RCoA aims to create a favorable context for knowledge transfer among generations and…

SAI Kuwait Participates in INTOSAI Commitees, Working Groups and UN HLPF

Kuwait’s State Audit Bureau (SAB) participated in several meetings this summer, including the Working Group on Public Procurement Audit (WGPPA) in Serbia; 2018 Peer Review Conference in Slovakia; Working Group on Public Debt (WGPD) in India; and the Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) in Indonesia. The SAB also contributed to discussions…

Applying Lessons Learned to Increase Integrity, Transparency

In 2016, Korea spent approximately 25 trillion won on Social Overhead Capital (SOC), which equates to roughly 15% of the central government’s budget. The SOC is defined as 46 specified infrastructure projects—roads, railroads, harbors, dams and schools. These projects, major sources of financial burdens to administrative agencies, have demonstrated, through several studies, overestimated demand forecasts and underestimated costs…

Capitalizing on Standards, Knowledge Sharing to Audit Disaster Recovery Efforts

In 2016, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake rocked the Ecuadorian coast, constituting one of the most catastrophic tragedies in the history of the country. The quake left 663 people dead, 6,274 injured, 80,000 people displaced, great damage to infrastructure and more than 2,300 aftershocks in the following months. Consequently, reparation measures cost approximately 3,344 USD million, challenging the…

SAI Peru Logo
SAI Peru Signs Several Agreements to Extend Joint Efforts

The Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Peru signed inter-institutional cooperation agreements with the SAIs of El Salvador and Guatemala in San Salvador, El Salvador, March 19, 2018. In an effort to strengthen joint capacities, the agreements aim to…

SCO Finalizes Parallel Audit on Health Care

The Accounts Committee for Control over Execution of the Republic of Kazakhstan’s Republican Budget, the nation’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), hosted a joint meeting with the National Audit Office of the People’s Republic of China (CNAO) and the Chamber of Accounts of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyz Republic SAI) in Astana, Kazakhstan, to discuss results of the parallel performance audit on health care…

SAI UAE Continues Tradition of INTOSAI Participation

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) State Audit Institution led the Financial Audit and Accounting Subcommittee meeting in Paro, Kingdom of Bhutan. Dr. Harib Saeed Al Amimi, President of UAE’s State Audit Institution and INTOSAI Chairman hosted Ms. Tytti Yli-Viikari, Auditor General of Finland’s NAO, to discuss…

Saudi Arabia’s SAI Contributes to Numerous INTOSAI Initiatives

Saudi Arabia’s General Auditing Bureau (GAB) participated in the ARABOSAI 57th Governing Board meeting in Tunisia and the INTOSAI WGFMRR hosted by the CNAO in March…

INTOSAI-Region Coordination Platform Meets in Oslo

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)-Region Coordination Platform provides INTOSAI with a single point of contact for all INTOSAI organs and regional organizations. The platform, held annually, provides a forum to coordinate, consult, explore synergies and align INTOSAI efforts to support the successful implementation of the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2022 and better address the INTOSAI value chain…

CNAO Delegation Visits IDI to Discuss Future Cooperation

Delegates from the National Audit Office of the Republic of China (CNAO) visited INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) headquarters in Oslo April 24, 2018, where they presented a summary of important training and professional development activities the CNAO is currently undertaking…

SAB Kuwait Contributes to Events, Cooperation Agreements

The President of the National Audit Office of the Republic of Finland and Kuwait’s State Audit Bureau (SAB) signed a cooperation agreement in November. The SAB participated in several meetings and events, including…

CBC, IDSC Partner to Share Ideas, Best Practices

“It’s time for action, time to deliver, time to give life to our commitments,” remarked Mr. Kimi Makwetu, Auditor General (AG) of South Africa’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and chair of the Capacity Building Committee. Mr. Makwetu’s words resonated with the more than 100 delegates from SAIs and partner organizations worldwide that attended this year’s joint CBC and IDSC meetings…

SAIs China, Peru Join Forces to Address Natural Disaster Recovery Auditing

“El Niño Costero,” the phenomenon seriously affecting Peru during the first months of 2017, battered…

ECA Delegation Visits Malta National Audit Office

A delegation from the European Court of Auditors (ECA) visited the National Audit Office of Malta (NAO) June 26, 2017. Led by Mr. Klaus-Heiner Lehne, ECA President, and accompanied by Mr. Leo Brincat, Malta’s ECA Member, the officials met with NAO senior leaders…