Tag: capacity building

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Building Partnerships to Combat Fraud, Corruption Via Effective SAI Technical Support

Preventing fraud and corruption are major challenges facing governments, particularly those of developing countries. Government inability to establish effective internal audit and financial control systems and adequately establish or resource organizations charged with identifying fraud and corruption are just some causes of fraudulent and corrupt behavior. While no system exists to entirely avert fraud and corruption…

Building a Longer-Term Foundation: IDC Transformation

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)-Donor Cooperation (Cooperation) kicked off the year with a new support structure and a closer cooperation with the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI). The INTOSAI Donor Secretariat, which has been supporting the Cooperation for the past nine years, will be…

INTOSAI CBC Shares Inspiring “Good Stories”

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) working in complex and challenging contexts often deal with enormous challenges, yet they still find a way to carry out audit work despite the conditions. The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Capacity Building Committee (CBC) has established a workstream to support these SAIs. A key workstream initiative is to…

GAO Center for Audit Excellence Builds Worldwide Capacity, Good Governance

The U.S. Comptroller General (CG), Gene L. Dodaro, had a vision: establish a team dedicated to building capacity and fostering effective accountability on a global scale. The CG’s vision and legislation led to the creation of the Center for Audit Excellence (CAE). The CAE, which was officially launched by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) in October 2015…

CNAO AG Calls for Audit Community to “Stand Higher”

Since her appointment as Auditor General of the National Audit Office of China (CNAO), Ms. Hu Zejun has often used the phrase, “Standing higher,” a metaphor that auditors should stand higher to better understand the overall situation and development trends—to get a better grasp of the bigger picture…

Building Capacity by Enhancing SAI Technical Support

Cultivating Supreme Audit Institutions’ (SAI) technical capacity, particularly in developing countries, is crucial. Increased technical capacity helps strengthen organizational structure and operations, while incorporating improved service delivery approaches, which adds value and benefits to the lives of citizens. Improved technical capabilities also…

Exploring New Ways to Audit Training, Build Capacity, Address Sustainability

Capacity building is critical for all dynamic organizations, both public and private. Training, an essential tool to systematically build capacity, also helps achieve desired organizational objectives. Public sector training programs are generally funded through national budgetary allocations and tend to be subject to audit by Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), the nature of which is determined by…

INTOSAI-Region Coordination Platform Meets in Oslo

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)-Region Coordination Platform provides INTOSAI with a single point of contact for all INTOSAI organs and regional organizations. The platform, held annually, provides a forum to coordinate, consult, explore synergies and align INTOSAI efforts to support the successful implementation of the INTOSAI Strategic Plan 2017-2022 and better address the INTOSAI value chain…

SAIs Operating in Challenging Contexts Share Insight, Ideas

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institution’s (INTOSAI) Capacity Building Committee (CBC) workstream dedicated to supporting Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) operating in particularly challenging contexts recently organized a forum in Johannesburg, South Africa. Seven Auditors General (AG) who currently lead SAIs with experience working in such contexts…

CBC, IDSC Partner to Share Ideas, Best Practices

“It’s time for action, time to deliver, time to give life to our commitments,” remarked Mr. Kimi Makwetu, Auditor General (AG) of South Africa’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) and chair of the Capacity Building Committee. Mr. Makwetu’s words resonated with the more than 100 delegates from SAIs and partner organizations worldwide that attended this year’s joint CBC and IDSC meetings…

Regional Support Helps Nauru Close Audit Gap

Through the work of the Nauru Department of Audit, the Government of Nauru has reached an historical milestone—the Public Accounts for 2013-2014 was tabled during a Parliamentary session earlier this year—the first time following a 15-year backlog. Despite the challenges associated with minimal staff, Nauru’s Department of Audit has also managed to…

Japan’s BOA Hosts Auditing Public Construction Works Event

The Board of Audit of Japan (BOA), in collaboration with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), hosted a seminar on “Government Audit in Public Construction Works” as part of Japan’s official development assistance programs. The annual event, held June 18-July 8, 2017, at JICA’s training center in Tokyo, Japan, and BOA’s training facility in Gunma Prefecture, Japan, is designed to share experiences and best practices with Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of developing countries…

U.S. GAO 2017 International Auditor Fellowship Program Underway

This year’s International Auditor Fellowship Program (IAFP) kicked off Wednesday, March 22, at the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) headquarters in Washington, D.C. Mr. Gene Dodaro, U.S. Comptroller General, and Ms. Patricia Dalton, GAO’s Chief Operating Officer, welcomed the 15 auditors representing 12 countries in an opening ceremony. The auditors—who hail from…

EUROSAI Goal One Team Issues New Innovations Volume

The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) of Hungary and the United Kingdom National Audit Office (NAO) have published the fourth volume of “Innovations.” This volume includes case studies on a wide range of innovations…

Structured Capacity Building Drives Development

Since its inception in 2005, AFROSAI-E has followed a structured capacity building approach to support our 26 member SAIs to strengthen their performance. Our Institutional Capacity Building Framework (ICBF) is the foundation of this approach…

Working Together to Cultivate Capacity, Professionalization

With the Capacity Building Committee meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, wrapping up a few weeks ago, ideas brought to the forefront during the event inspired me to share how, together we can further advance capacity building, and in doing so, contribute to a more robust, more prominent, more professional International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions…