U.S. GAO 2017 International Auditor Fellowship Program Underway

This year’s International Auditor Fellowship Program (IAFP) kicked off Wednesday, March 22, at the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Mr. Gene Dodaro, U.S. Comptroller General, and Ms. Patricia Dalton, GAO’s Chief Operating Officer, welcomed the 15 auditors representing 12 countries in an opening ceremony.
The auditors—who hail from Albania, Argentina, Bhutan, Brazil, Estonia, Kuwait, Nigeria, Pakistan, Rwanda, Singapore, Uganda and Zimbabwe—provided brief introductions on who they are and what they would like to accomplish during the 4-month intensive study program.
The IAFP, designed to enhance SAI capabilities to fulfill their missions and increase accountability, transparency and governance worldwide, was initiated by GAO in 1979 in response to increased federal government expenditures abroad and the related need to strengthen accountability over these funds.
To date, more than 570 middle- to senior-level SAI officials from more than 105 countries have graduated from the program, many of whom have since become Auditors General, Deputy Auditors General or Government Ministers.
Key objectives of the IAFP include:
Enhance participant skills to strengthen institutional SAI capacity;
Sustain professional competencies and skills through continuous learning and knowledge sharing; and
Strengthen professional networks to promote institutional relationships among SAIs, donors, and other accountability community partners.
Fellows participate in an intensive, multifaceted learning program that includes a blend of classroom instruction, observation of key management meetings, intergovernmental auditing exposure, and strategy development to implement change in SAIs.
The comprehensive and rigorous program includes training on professional standards; performance auditing; internal controls; as well as leadership and diversity; data analysis and reliability; and evidence and documentation fundamentals.
Fellows are also given opportunities to dialogue with international financial institutions; federal, state, and local government officials; inspectors general; and internal auditors.
The program also includes social activities held outside the professional workday in an effort to help the fellows feel welcome and provide opportunities to explore the area in and around Washington, D.C.
Middle- to senior-level officers who are positioned in their SAIs to transfer learning are encouraged to apply. Applicants must have a proven English proficiency based on TOEFL test scores and must be nominated by the SAI head. Please refer to the application for specific requirements.
While there is no tuition for the program, participating SAIs are responsible for securing the required funding for travel and living expenses. Funding assistance may be available from the United Nations Development Program, the World Bank, regional development banks, national development assistance agencies, as well as national governments.
Deadline to apply for the 2018 IAFP is August 21, 2017.