By: INTOSAI Journal

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BNAO Performs Audit on Banking Supervision

The Bulgarian National Assembly tasked the Bulgarian National Audit Office (BNAO) with performing an audit on banking supervision following much public attention on the difficult situation of one bank in particular…

SAI Serbia: “Taxpayers Funding Unnecessary Committees”

The State Audit Institution (SAI) of the Republic of Serbia conducted a performance audit on the “Justification for Establishing Committees and Other Permanent and Temporary Working Bodies in the Public Sector” to address the issue of taxpayer money…

New Zealand’s AG “Reflections” in Reprint

New Zealand’s Auditor-General, Lyn Provost, authored the report, “Reflections from Our Audits: Governance and Accountability,” which brings together findings and lessons from the office’s recent work. The report sparked important conversations across New Zealand’s public sector…

AISCUFF Meets in Rabat, Morocco

The Cour des comptes of the kingdom of Morocco welcomed the members of the Association of the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) having in common the use of the French language (AISCUFF), May 30-June 3, 2016, in Rabat, Morocco…

Romanian SAI Contributes to National Strategy

Last year, the Romanian government approved the National Strategy on Public Procurement, which bears the primary objective of reforming the institutional framework of the Romanian public procurement system. This reformation will be achieved through the incorporation of European directives into national law…

UKNAO Releases Publication on SAIs, Governance

The United Kingdom National Audit Office (NAO) has released “Governance and Supreme Audit Institutions: Reflections from the UK.” One of the challenges for Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) is to “practice what we preach,” and this publication shows…

Kuwait SAB Contributes to Several Working Groups

The State Audit Bureau of Kuwait continues to participate and contribute to several INTOSAI working groups as part of its ongoing efforts…

New Comptroller General Appointed to SAI Peru

On June 9, 2016, the Congress of the Republic of Peru appointed Edgar Alarcon Tejada, CPA, as the new Comptroller General…

Working Together to Cultivate Capacity, Professionalization

With the Capacity Building Committee meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, wrapping up a few weeks ago, ideas brought to the forefront during the event inspired me to share how, together we can further advance capacity building, and in doing so, contribute to a more robust, more prominent, more professional International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions…

SAI Ecuador Incorporates ISSAIs into Norms

The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Ecuador has created an auditing committee to evaluate the current “Ecuadorian Auditing Governmental Standards” and incorporate the main content of the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) into the updated norms…

Mr. Klaus-Heiner Lehne Assumes Post as ECA President

Mr. Klaus-Heiner Lehne assumed his post as the 11th President of the European Court of Auditors October 1, 2016, for a renewable three-year term…

IDI Continues Support to INTOSAI Regions, Communities

The INTOSAI Development Initiative’s activities include International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions implementation, certification; and supporting INTOSAI regions and communities…

Austrian Court of Audit, INTOSAI Welcome New Leader

Dr. Margit Kraker assumed office as President of the Austrian Court of Audit (ACA) and…

Rwanda OAG Receives Best Performance Audit Report Award

At the 13th AFROSAI-E Governing Board meeting held in Abuja, Nigeria, May 2016, the Office…

Professional Standards Committee Meets in Denmark

The Professional Standards Committee (PSC) met in Copenhagen in May 2016. The event marked a…

You May Have Noticed…Something Has Changed

The Journal is committed to this continued transformation, and you may have noticed a bit of a metamorphosis in the overall look and feel of this edition. The goals behind the redesign of the Journal include giving it a more contemporary, yet corporate, look and feel; providing a cleaner and more engaging reading experience; increasing readership accessibility; and adapting the Journal into a more robust tool for knowledge sharing…

Moldova CoA Implements Actions for PFPR Program

The Court of Accounts of the Republic of Moldova (CoA) has successfully implemented the actions…

Improving the Professional Pronouncements Framework

by Michael Kuur Sørensen, SAI of Denmark (Professional Standards Committee, Secretariat) The Professional Standards Committee…

Letter from the Editor

As journalists, we do our best to ensure that everything is clear, concise and correct. But, there are times when we don’t always completely meet that challenge, particularly taking into account the global nature of our business. In the Spring 2016 issue of the INTOSAI Journal, we published quite a bit of news and some fascinating feature articles. In fact, we received numerous inquiries about some of the reporting in the last edition, specifically submissions from the State Audit Office of the Republic of Latvia…

New Financial Audit System Introduced in Finland

A new financial audit system was introduced in Finland on January 1, 2016. On that date, the new Auditing Act and the Act on Audits of Public Administration and General Government Finances entered into force and harmonized the system of auditor’s examinations and the supervision of audits. There are about 1,600 approved auditors in Finland. Until the end of 2015…

Strategic Plan Gets Facelift

The Chair of INTOSAI’s Finance and Administration (FAC) Task Force on the 2017-2022 Strategic Plan,…

CNAO, GAO Leverage Expertise to Generate Results

In 2012, heads of the SAIs of China and USA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). According to the MoU’s objective, “The participants intend to establish, improve, and develop a framework for cooperation in national audit and promote effective interaction between the participants on the basis of equality, reciprocity, and mutual benefit.” The MoU has allowed the National Audit Office of the People’s Republic of China (CNAO) and the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) the opportunity to…