As the Auditor General of Thailand, I have observed firsthand the key role that follow-up audits play in ensuring the integrity and effectiveness of government financial management. The State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand (SAO) is committed to rigorous follow-up procedures that uphold our mandate under the Organic Act on State Audit B.E. 2561 (2018).
Our Current Edition
Q3 2024
Implementing Recommendations and Audit Follow Up
Implementing recommendations and audit follow up serve as important mechanisms for accountability, and ensure that lessons learned are integrated into future practices and policies. By following up on audit results, SAIs can help governments mitigate risks and improve overall performance.
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About the Journal
As the official publication of INTOSAI, the International Journal of Government Auditing (the Journal), was established to support cooperation, collaboration, and continuous improvement of communication among SAIs and the broader audit community. The Journal aims to promote the advancement of government auditing procedures and techniques, and the exchange of ideas and experiences in the field of public accounting and financial control.
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IJGA seeks to help SAIs build their capacity by highlighting mutually beneficial experiences, tools, guidance, and best practices. The Journal continuously accepts submissions for each of its quarterly issues, as well as for news items.
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