Tag: Inside INTOSAI

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OLACEFS Assesses Availability of SAIs’ Information to the Public

OLACEFS’ Technical Commission for Good Governance Practices, led by Lic. Jesús Rodríguez, President of the National Audit Office of the Argentine Nation, has produced the fourth Index of Availability of Information to Citizens about SAIs’ Management (IDIGI-EFS 2021).

EUROSAI Task Force Discusses Municipal Real Estate Management

On November 3-4, 2021, members of the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) Task Force on Municipality Audit (TFMA) gathered in Budva, Montenegro, for its 5th Annual Meeting and Seminar on Municipal Real Estate Management. The event was attended by…

EUROSAI Takes Part in United Nations Climate Change Conference

On November 4, 2021, the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) and European Court of Auditors (ECA) held a panel discussion, “Translating Climate Ambition into Delivery,” as part of the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow. Around 200 representatives…

CBC Steering Committee Meeting Highlights Progress Made Despite Challenges

On September 29, 2021, INTOSAI’s Capacity Building Committee (CBC) held its annual Steering Committee meeting, led by South African Auditor General Tsakani Maluleke, CBC Chair, and Swedish Auditor General Helena Lindberg, CBC Vice Chair. The virtual event featured updates from the Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) leading CBC’s subcommittees, task forces, and workstreams, whose work demonstrates…

KSC Steering Committee Meeting Emphasizes Value of Collaboration

The 13th Steering Committee meeting of the Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services Committee (KSC) was held virtually on September 16, 2021. Representatives from the INTOSAI Chair, Goal Committees, General Secretariat, and INTOSAI Development Initiative IDI) participated, along with representatives of KSC’s 12 working groups. In his opening remarks, Mr. Girish Chandra Murmu, Comptroller and Auditor General of India and KSC Chair, underscored…

PSC Steering Committee Meeting Focuses on IFPP Updates and Improvements

On October 19, 2021, the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) held its 18th annual Steering Committee meeting. Minister Bruno Dantas of Brazil’s Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), the Chair of PSC, welcomed participants to the virtual event, which focused on work related to the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP). The meeting featured a number of updates on…

PSC Initiatives Enhance Communication, Technical Support, and Collaboration

The INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) has a number of initiatives underway to enhance communication, technical support, and collaboration among Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). The following are updates…

IDI Launches Initiative to Help SAIs Strengthen Crisis and Risk Management

During the COVID-19 pandemic, outdated and ineffective crisis and management systems have exacerbated disruptions to the work of many Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), potentially undermining their ability to ensure accountability. Often, these systems do not take into account risks that have intensified during the pandemic, like limited human and financial resources, or emerging risks, like those that accompany digitization. In response to these challenges, INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) is…

SAIs Contribute to Building Strong and Resilient National Public Health Systems

As the world deals with a global health crisis, the immense importance of strong and resilient public health systems to achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3)—ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages—has never been more evident. Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have a key role to play in addressing the deepening inequalities during such pandemics and in ensuring vulnerable segments of the population are not left behind. To that end, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), in collaboration with the regional secretariats and Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services Committee (KSC), is…

SAI Thailand Hosts 15th ASOSAI Assembly

On September 6-8, 2021, the State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand hosted the 15th Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) Assembly. Highlights include…

OLACEFS Capacity Building Committee Publishes Portfolio of Resources

The Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) Capacity Building Committee (CCC) has published a portfolio with the main products it has developed in recent years. The aim of this effort was to…

OLACEFS and CBC Hold Webinar on Citizen Participation

The Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru, Chair of the Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) Citizen Participation Commission, and the Auditor-General of South Africa, Chair of the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee (CBC), organized a webinar on September 30, 2021, on “Benefits of Citizen Participation in Governmental Control/Audit.” The webinar provided…

OLACEFS Working Group Holds First Meeting of SDG 3.B Coordinated Audit

On August 12, 2021, the Latin American and Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) held the first meeting of the Coordinated Audit of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.b (support research, development, and affordable access for vaccines and medicines). The main objectives of the audit are to…

EFSUR Prioritizes Gender Equality

Gender equality is a priority issue and the focus of many activities conducted by the Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions of the Mercosur and Associated Countries (EFSUR). The organization is currently carrying out a coordinated audit on compliance with the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1 (end poverty), with special attention to…

Peer Review Finds SAI Azerbaijan’s Audits Align with ISSAIs

The Turkish Court of Accounts recently completed a peer review of the Chamber of Accounts of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in January 2021. The peer review determined that…

In Memoriam: Yusador Gaye

On July 1, 2021, Yusador Gaye, the Auditor General of the Republic of Liberia, passed away. She had served at the helm of the General Auditing Commission, Liberia’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), since 2014. Mrs. Gaye’s calm and unwavering leadership…

In Memoriam: Francis Masuba

Francis Masuba, Assistant Auditor General – Corporate Services and Accounting Officer at the Office of the Auditor General of the Republic of Uganda—the country’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI)—passed away on June 27, 2021. Mr. Masuba served for 37 years in the SAI and was an active participant in…

Participants Discuss COVID-19 Experiences at 25th UN/INTOSAI Symposium

On June 28-30, 2021, the INTOSAI General Secretariat and United Nations (UN) held the 25th UN/INTOSAI Symposium. Almost 300 representatives of international organizations and Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from some 120 countries took part in the event, which was held…

KSC Releases Survey 2020 Results

The INTOSAI Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services Committee (KSC), which encourages Supreme Audit Institutions’ (SAIs) cooperation, collaboration, and continuous improvement, has published a report on the INTOSAI Community Portal with the findings of its KSC Survey 2020. One of the essential features…

Task Force Gathers Stakeholder Feedback for INTOSAI Strategic Plan

The INTOSAI Task Force on Strategic Planning (TFSP) continues to develop the INTOSAI Strategic Plan for 2023-2028. The June 2021 quarterly staff-level meeting shifted the focus of the TFSP to…

Nine SAIs in Challenging Contexts Poised for Greater Performance

Nine SAIs in challenging contexts are strengthening their performance with the support of the Accelerated Peer-support Partnership Program, a partnership of IDI, AFROSAI-E, and CREFIAF. In spite of difficult circumstances and the negative impact of COVID-19, these SAIs have…

More than 800 SAI Auditors Begin an Exciting Professional Education Journey

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world,” said Nelson Mandela. This is a maxim that the INTOSAI community has taken to heart in the development, launch, and rollout of the Professional Education for SAI Auditors Pilot (PESA-P), a first-ever pilot by, and for…