Fighting Corruption: OLACEFS Launches Regional Forum


As Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) President, the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Peru, hosted the first-ever Regional High-Level Forum of SAIs (FRAN) on December 4, 2019, in Lima. The inaugural forum, which highlighted the “Fight Against Corruption: A Matter of Development—Mechanisms and Good Practices to Improve Government Control and Promote Good Governance,” responded to the need to provide a space for high-level, regional dialogue on combating corruption.

The forum welcomed international experts who encouraged debate among participants on topics designed to improve oversight and promote good governance, such as how corruption affects legitimacy, technical and ethical challenges in using new technologies, psychological perspectives, and transnational corruption. Participants included Nelson Shack Yalta, OLACEFS President and SAI Peru Comptroller General (CG); Juan Ignacio Forlón, Auditor General (AG), SAI Argentina; Dorothy Ann Bradly, AG of Belize; Dr. Henry Ara, SAI Bolivia CG; Dr. Valentina Zárate, Secretary General of SAI Ecuador; Carmen Elena Rivas, President, SAI El Salvador; Roy Pineda, Magistrate President of SAI Honduras; José Juan Pineda, SAI Honduras Magistrate; Félix Álvarez, Plenary Member, SAI Dominican Republic; and Dr. Humberto Ramírez and Dr. Martín Díaz, Deputy Comptrollers of SAI Peru.





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