Tag: enhancing stakeholder communication

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A Letter from the Journal’s President

I hope this message finds you, your colleagues, and families in good health and high spirits. I would like to thank you for your continued support, contributions, and interest in the INTOSAI Journal. As Journal President, I am most grateful for your ongoing efforts to help us deliver timely, informative, and helpful content for the INTOSAI community and our key stakeholders.

CSO Engagement a New Opportunity for Many Pacific Island SAIs: PASAI Stakeholder Engagement

Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI), delivered a workshop called Effective Stakeholder Engagement attended by staff from 10 Pacific Island public audit offices.

Enhancing Operations Contributes to the Agility and Resilience of Supreme Audit Institutions

As difficult as the COVID-19 pandemic has been, one of its gifts is the opportunity to reflect on progress made and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. With staff that are experiencing the impact of the pandemic on a daily basis, leaders of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) must first and foremost…

SAI Costa Rica Uses Innovation, Agility to Face the Challenges of COVID-19

Recently, SAI Costa Rica has moved toward an innovative approach—the use of artificial intelligence (AI)—to auditing public procurement of goods and services. The SAI carried out two audits using AI in 2020 and plans to…

SAI Madagascar Builds Capacity through Bilateral Support

“The Malagasy people deserve an independent, visible, and credible Court of Accounts. Today, we are strengthening our institution, so that the country can be confident in the management of public money.” So said the President of Madagascar’s Court of Accounts, Mr. Jean de Dieu Rakotondramihamina, during…

State Audit Office of Thailand Identifies Strategic Stakeholder Engagement Approach

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)—as independent, objective entities—play a major role in improving public financial management transparency and accountability.
SAIs also greatly contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by auditing national preparedness for SDG implementation and undertaking performance audits to track…

Accounts Chamber of Tajikistan Implements Improvements As Part Of 2019-2023 Development Strategy

It has been eight years since the establishment of the Accounts Chamber of the Republic of Tajikistan. In this short period, the Accounts Chamber has achieved many successes as the nation’s Supreme Audit Institution. As part of its Development Strategy 2019-2023…

Incorporating Stakeholders to Enhance Decision-Making

ublic participation is generally defined as activities by which people’s concerns, needs, interests and values are incorporated into decisions and actions on public matters and issues. Incorporating direct forms of public participation in oversight work can enhance citizen engagement and inform Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) decision-making, as the Comptroller General of the Republic of Costa Rica (CGR) discovered when considering the transfer of $4 billion…

Producing Audit Reports for Effective Public Communication

Performance audits are often long and complex, and the public a diverse audience who want to know if administrators are making good use of public resources in a broad range of critical areas. These factors make producing readable reports a challenging task. However, by keeping the final product in mind and following guidelines, SAIs can…

Slovakia’s Supreme Audit Office Develops Interactive Tool Enhancing Transparency, Citizen Participation

In July 2020, the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) developed a new interactive analytical tool called the Municipalities on Map (MuMAP). The application…

New Communication Strategy=New Era in Stakeholder Engagement for Turkish Court of Accounts

Communication remains a significant tool for any successful organization, and the Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA), Turkey’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), is well aware that good communication channels with stakeholders can help achieve organizational strategic goals and contribute to an effective, transparent and accountable…

Grand National Débat: The French Supreme Audit Institution Connected to the Citizens

Confronted with a movement protesting the gas tax increase, the French government took action by launching a National Grand Débat to promote direct exchange with citizens. This national consultation was designed to shed light on citizen concerns within four main themes—ecological transition, taxation, public services and democracy. The consultation was divided into two phases…

IRCP Provides Forum to Discuss Regional, Global Community Synergies

The three-day INTOSAI-Regions Coordination Platform (IRCP) united global bodies and regions to explore synergies, address the INTOSAI value chain and crosscutting priorities, and foster an integrative approach in developing solutions and aligning efforts. The meeting kicked off with a new approach…

Turning a Bad News Headline Into a Good News Story

It was the type of newspaper coverage most Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) would dread. “Unaudited Accounts Cause Issues,” declared a September 2018 Cook Island News headline. The article, which went on to detail how the Cook Islands has a backlog of unaudited public accounts…

Cooperative Audits Subcommittee Promotes Virtual Catalog

At the September 2018 International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Governing Board meeting in Moscow, General Secretariats from the INTOSAI regions provided activity updates, and many regions expressed interest in conducting cooperative audits on topics ranging from water protection and waste management to climate change. To better disseminate valuable cooperative audit experiences…

Visual Stories that Transform Audit Speak into Engaging, Understandable Reports

Auditors love words! Having served as an auditor for more than 10 years, it seems that words tend to be a source of comfort and confidence, and we, as auditors, rely on words when attempting to get our message across to readers. At the same time, we realize those reading our reports are probably suffering from…

Performance Audits to Communicate, Incorporate, Better Serve Stakeholders

“You must run to keep in place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that.”—Red Queen theory of evolution. Traditionally, audits, based on accounting standards, have focused on financial statement accuracy and regularity. In the area of public audit, the traditional approach also…

Mobilizing Stakeholders to Increase Audit Impact

Public audit aims to enhance good governance by promoting transparency and accountability in governmental financial affairs. Throughout the audit process, identifying any weaknesses and gaps is crucial, particularly pertaining to legal compliance; internal control; revenue assessment and collection; budget, public procurement and project management; and…

Rethinking Dialogue in Times of Enhanced Stakeholder Integration, Modern Technologies

As we approach the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) XXIII Congress (INCOSAI) with quick strides, it gives me great pleasure to seize this opportunity to take stock of the organization’s progress over the last couple of years and look to the road ahead. When I assumed office as INTOSAI’s Secretary General in the summer of 2016…

Inform, Consult, Involve, Collaborate, Empower

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) play a pivotal role in holding governments accountable for the use of public funds. At the forefront of good governance, SAIs can significantly add value and benefits to the lives of citizens. This article explores SAI stakeholder engagement and presents findings from an international survey…

OLACEFS’ CTIC Introduces New Technology Enhancing Event Efficiency, Functionality

The OLACEFS CTIC, chaired by Dr. Francisco Javier Fernández, Auditor General of Argentina’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), developed a mobile application (app) and web portal that were successfully implemented during the OLACEFS General Assembly…

SAB Kuwait Publishes 2018 Citizens Report, Special ALRAQABA Issue

“Together we will safeguard Kuwait’s funds.” The State Audit Bureau (SAB) of Kuwait recently published the “2018 Citizens Report”—the first publication that addresses citizens with an aim to raise awareness about the SAB, its role in protecting public funds and citizen involvement in overseeing the community. The publication urges…