Slovakia’s Supreme Audit Office Develops Interactive Tool Enhancing Transparency, Citizen Participation

by Janka Burdová, Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic Communication and Public Relations Department Director
In July 2020, the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) developed a new interactive analytical tool called the Municipalities on Map (MuMAP).
The application, available online at, provides public access to a broad range of information and can be used for a variety of audit-related functions, such as identifying risks and planning and selecting entities for audit.
“We wanted to design a user-friendly analytical application enabling active citizen participation in cities and municipalities,” explained Ľubomír Andrassy, Director General, Office of the SAO SR President.
The application, piloted at the first International Hackathon of Supreme Audit Institutions (a March 2020 event in Prague, Czech Republic, where teams used audit institution and open data to develop applications and visualizations that support audit work and/or promote information sharing), interconnects numerous data sources from various national central institutions, including the Statistical Office; Data Centrum; Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports; and SAO SR.
MuMAP information covers three dimensions—municipality characteristics, SAO SR audit findings and European Union funds drawn (2014-2020)—with the ability to tailor searches and filter results. Detailed information available includes number of inhabitants and primary schools, municipality financial management and audits performed.
Updates and new functionalities will be added to MuMAP in the near future.
“This is an example of how we can develop our institution and support efforts in improving governance. This endeavor allows the SAO SR, local deputies, municipal auditors, and citizens to enhance transparency and accountability,” noted Andrassy.
For more information, visit the MuMAP site online at or contact the SAO SR via email at