Successful conclusion of the Technical Plenary Sessions of the XXXIII Ordinary General Assembly of OLACEFS

This article was originally posted on the OLACEFS website, available here.
Within the framework of the XXXIII Ordinary General Assembly of OLACEFS, the Technical Plenary Sessions were held with the participation of experts and representatives of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of Latin America and the Caribbean addressed key issues of digital transformation and educational challenges in the region.
On Wednesday 23, Technical Topic 1 was developed, focusing on “Data science and artificial intelligence as a tool for development and transformation for Supreme Audit Institutions”, with a presentation by Ms. Graciela de la Rosa, Auditor General of Argentina. The meeting included a panel of experts organized by the CTIC and presentations by specialists from the SAI Brazil, the OECD and the SAI Argentina. The day concluded with a workshop on artificial intelligence, coordinated by experts from different SAIs.
On the same day, the progress report on the implementation of the Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy in OLACEFS member SAIs was presented, along with the presentation of the Guide to Access to Information, by El Auditor Info, an Argentinean portal specialized in transparency, citizen participation and public control. Finally, the SAI of Colombia presented the progress of the Directorate of Information, Analysis and Immediate Reaction.
On Thursday 24, Technical Theme 2 was developed, focused on “Educational Challenges and SAIs: Contribution of Supreme Audit Institutions and OLACEFS to develop equitable and quality education in Latin America and the Caribbean”, presented by Paulo Malheiros, from SAI Brazil. In the first panel, representatives from UNESCO and TCU explored the challenges to ensure inclusive and quality education in Latin America. The second panel brought together experts from PGCE, the Ministry of Education of Cuba and the IDB, who shared successful experiences in education in the region.
The session concluded with the last panel dedicated to the new INTOSAI Strategic Plan (IDI) and a presentation of the OLACEFS Training Plan 2025-2026, led by SAI Chile.
These sessions highlighted the importance of collaboration between SAIs and their contribution to the development and quality of education in the region, marking a step forward in OLACEFS strategic policies.