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Applying Strategic Foresight in Performance Audit: Case Study of Audit of Energy Transition in Indonesia

Future uncertainty, driven by factors such as climate change, technological advancements, and global dynamics, poses challenges that require organizations and governments to adopt more flexible, adaptive, and resilient approaches to planning. SAIs play a crucial role in addressing climate change and future uncertainty by providing insights into the effectiveness of climate-related initiatives and fostering greater accountability and transparency. Strategic foresight in auditing is essential for anticipating and preparing for future uncertainties, enabling organizations to navigate risks and opportunities proactively. Applying a six-step foresight framework in auditing the energy transition, particularly in the electricity sector, allows auditors to evaluate progress, identify gaps, and provide recommendations for more sustainable and resilient energy policies. By integrating strategic foresight into auditing practices, organizations can better prepare for the complexities of a rapidly changing world and build resilience against future uncertainties.

An “Ecological Transition Community” fuels the French Cour des Comptes with Tools

Considering the rise in environmental concerns and the growing importance of ecological transition issues in all national and local public policies, the French Cour des comptes, the supreme audit institution (SAI) that forms the financial jurisdictions with the regional and territorial audit chambers (CRTCs), has organized with the latter to strengthen the relevance of their audit and assessment work in these areas, which already account for a growing share of their scheduled work. 

Systematic Approaches to Performance Audits of Environmental Policies

Auditing the performance of government environmental programs is concerned with the three E’s, Economy, Efficiency, and Effectiveness, like most performance audits. However, it is very difficult to set up performance indicators and select adequate methodology to analyze the performance results for auditing in various environmental programs.

Auditing Climate Change: Impact, Risk, and Resilience

The threat of climate change looms large in today’s world of rapid global change, altering the social, economic, and environmental landscapes at a rate never seen before. As the effects of this global catastrophe become more obvious, it is critical that communities and organizations fully recognize, evaluate, and manage the risks involved. This thorough research uses real-world case studies and scenarios to provide a greater knowledge of this important topic as it investigates the key role that auditing plays in assessing the effect, risk, and resilience of entities in the face of climate change.

EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing Engages Auditors in Key Activities Throughout 2024

EUROSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (EWGEA) celebrated its 25th anniversary during its Spring Session on 15-17 May 2024, hosted by the National Audit Office of Malta. The EWGEA Chair received many words of appreciation on this occasion from both previous EWGEA Chairs:, the Auditor General of Norway and Auditor General of Estonia.

A Global Cooperation for holding governments to account in Climate Change Adaptation Actions

Author: INTOSAI Development Initiative Climate change has, and will have, an impact on every single…

United Nations- INTOSAI Symposium Engages Discussion on the Role of SAIs on Climate Action

Author: Toni Gillich, INTOSAI Journal Secretary, U.S. GAO  The 26th United Nations(UN)/INTOSAI Symposium 2024 took…

ClimateScanner – An Innovative Methodology For SAIs to Monitor Government Action on Climate Change

Authors: Paula Hebling Dutra, Hugo Chudyson Araújo Freire, Carlos Eduardo Lustosa da Costa, Dashiell Velasque…

Climate Change: A Rising Priority for Supreme Audit Institutions

The INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing (WGEA) has observed an increasing diversity in audits on climate action. In addition to climate change mitigation, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) are increasingly auditing climate change adaptation and social aspects. At the same time, developing country SAIs are becoming more engaged. The latest INTOSAI WGEA survey shows that SAIs’ interest in environmental audits and auditing climate action continues to grow. 

Q3 2024
GCA’s Digital Transformation: Innovative Solutions for Recommendation Implementation and Audit Follow-up

In recent years, the General Court of Audit (GCA), Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), has undertaken measures to bolster its framework, aiming to elevate its oversight capacity with a focus on objectivity, efficiency, and professionalism. Embracing a proactive stance, the GCA is committed to adapting to the swift evolution in financial auditing and performance oversight. GCA leveraged a modern technologies and methodologies to conduct audits with heightened effectiveness and quality, ensuring alignment with contemporary standards and practices. On the other hand, government agencies and ministries within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s public sector have also undergone significant transformations in recent years. These efforts are aligned with the ambitious goals outlined in Vision 2030 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which aims to diversify the economy, enhance public sector efficiency, and promote sustainable development. 

State Audit Office of Georgia’s real time experience in recommendation follow-up with innovative ARIS platform

The State Audit Office of Georgia (SAO) has emerged as an inspiration for innovation and accountability for advancing effective public financial management. To fulfill its mandate of identifying and addressing systemic deficiencies in public administration, the SAO has embraced innovative technology, launching a transformative initiative of Audit Recommendation Implementation System (ARIS). This article explores the impact of the ARIS, the groundbreaking platform that has significantly changed the follow-up process of audit recommendations in Georgia.

RIM: The New Frontier in Measuring Implementation Recommendations

In the dynamic landscape of public sector management, the pursuit of enhanced accountability, efficiency, and transparency is never-ending. Traditional metrics and oversight mechanisms, while foundational, often fall short in capturing the continued progress of implementing audit recommendations. 

Think BIG! — Testing a New Approach for Recommendations

The State Audit Office Law stipulates that the State Audit Office of Latvia (SAI Latvia) has the right to provide recommendations for addressing the deficiencies discovered during the audit, as well as to specify a time limit by which the audited entity shall notify, in writing, that the deficiencies have been resolved. In 2023, SAI Latvia celebrated its centenary, and over time, the State Audit Office has refined its approach in providing recommendations and in facilitating their implementation by the auditees.

Citizen Participation in Monitoring the Decisions of the Federal Court of Accounts: A Path to Transparency and Efficiency in Public Management

In 2023, the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), the SAI of Brazil, issued 137 decisions containing deliberations for its jurisdictional units. These decisions generated 1,110 items subject to monitoring, including determinations and recommendations. Monitoring the implementation and impact of these deliberations is a process as important as the audits themselves, demanding a considerable effort from the SAI’s resources.

Unleashing the Potential of Public Audits

Efficient and effective utilization of public funds and resources is essential for all countries to achieve their development targets. Government auditors, led by national supreme audit institutions (SAIs), play a critical role in monitoring the utilization of these resources. SAIs are countries’ top watchdogs on government finances and are mandated, often by national constitutions, to scrutinize whether governments are managing public funds properly. SAIs conduct financial audits that examine the legality of financial transactions and performance audits to assess whether public funds have been used efficiently and effectively. Audit reports issued by SAIs contain recommendations on how to improve financial management. 

Implementing Recommendations and Audit Follow up: Modernising Government Warehouses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In this era that witnesses rapid developments in technology fields and growing administrative challenges, there is an increasing need to modernise auditing systems to enhance transparency and efficiency in the management of public resources. For decades, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia relied on a regulation of government warehouses that was adopted in 1983, which was, at the time, appropriate and effective according to the standards and requirements. This regulation, which was implemented under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance (MOF), provided a solid foundation for managing resources efficiently and effectively. In this context, the Supreme Audit Institution of the Kingdom (the General Court of Audit  (GCA)) played a pivotal role in pioneering digital transformation and modernising systems through active participation in restructuring and developing the regulations of government warehouses. The last of these regulations was issued in 2020, which came into effect following its communication with the government authorities, most notably the MOF on one hand, and higher authorities on the other. This process included introducing advanced automated systems, improving government procedures, and activating administrative governance in accordance with best practices, which contributed to significantly improving government operations and services.

Implementation of Deliberations: Case Study of Audit at the Transport Infrastructure Agency

The Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Brazil, known as the Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), is tasked with overseeing the federal entity’s accounting, financial, budgetary, operational, and asset management to ensure legality, legitimacy, and economy. The Federal Constitution of 1988 empowers the TCU to enforce compliance with the law by setting deadlines for necessary corrective measures upon detecting illegality.

Improving Efficiency in Implementing Audit Recommendations: Challenges and Solutions

The successful implementation of audit recommendations serves as a key indicator of the effectiveness and efficiency of audit activities. Therefore, monitoring and inspecting the implementation of audit recommendations play a critical role in evaluating the quality, effectiveness of audit activities and impact on the management and use of public finances and assets. This process not only demonstrates the level of agreement from audited entities but also identifies reasons for any unimplemented audit recommendations.

Implementing Recommendations and Identifying Impact of the Audits: Perspectives from the National Audit Office of Malta

The National Audit Office’s (NAO Malta) mission is to assist in promoting accountability, propriety, and best practices in government operations. This mission is continuously achieved through the substantial number of audits of a compliance, financial, performance or investigative nature in various Ministries, departments and Government entities. 

Building More Effective Follow-up Audit Mechanisms

The National Audit Office of China (CNAO) places equal importance on both revealing problems in audit and correcting problems identified. Through in-depth research-based auditing, proactive efforts have been made to heighten the effectiveness of follow-up audit featuring clarified implementation responsibilities, operational workflows, and value added outcomes.

Implementing GAO Recommendations and Audit Follow-up

The Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) work routinely generates recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government programs, resulting in measurable savings and improvements. Since fiscal year (FY) 2002, GAO’s work has resulted in about $1.38 trillion in financial benefits and over 28,000 program and operational benefits that have helped change laws, improve public safety and other services, and promote better management throughout government. In FY 2023 alone, GAO’s work yielded $70.4 billion in financial benefits—a return of about $84 for every dollar invested in GAO. GAO also identified 1,220 other benefits—those that cannot be measured in dollars but led to program and operational improvements across the government.  Examples of recent accomplishments include: