JURISAI Statutes Signed in Morocco

July 4, 2024

The signing ceremony for JURISAI’s articles of association took place in Casablanca, Morocco, on June 25, in the presence of Bruno Dantas, President of the Brazilian SAI and current President of the INTOSAI.

JURISAI will thus succeed the Forum of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) created in Paris in 2015, whose activities it will continue to promote the promotion of the jurisdictional model and the reinforcement of professional standards and practices.

The French Cour des Comptes, one of the world’s leading jurisdictional SAIs and co-chair of the Forum of Jurisdictional SAIs, participated in the group responsible for drafting the statutes. It was represented in Casablanca by a delegation led by its First President President, Pierre Moscovici, and comprising Natacha Rimbon, Director of International Relations, External Audit and Francophonie, and Guillaume BrulĂ©, Deputy Director.

A quarter of the SAIs represented at INTOSAI are involved in jurisdictional activities. Most of them are located in the French-, Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking areas. This is an attractive model, that extends beyond these linguistic and cultural spheres: South Africa, Latvia and Thailand have recently equipped their SAIs with a new competence and an appropriate organization to sanction misappropriation of public funds.

JURISAI’s inaugural General Meeting will be held in Paris on 7 and 8 October 2024, to adopt its strategic plan and elect its officers. In accordance with JURISAI’s statutes, the Cour des Comptes de France, as host SAI of the General Assembly, will assume the presidency of JURISAI. The creation of JURISAI will then be submitted for approval to the XXVth INTOSAI Congress for approval as an associated entity, giving JURISAI recognition and legitimacy, as well as increased means to implement its objectives.

To find out more about the SAI jurisdictional model, read the special issue of the INTOSAI Journal on jurisdictional SAIs:

 Discover the 7 key benefits of SAI jurisdictional functions: