Gambia’s NAO Takes a Look Back at 2019

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Gambia’s National Audit Office (NAO) was a government department until 2015, when it was then declared an independent institution through a National Assembly Act. The NAO has been working on a series of initiatives to transform it into a leading national institution for public funds transparency and accountability.
NAO management and staff continue working to improve staff competencies and stakeholder engagement to ensure visibility by producing timely, relevant and quality audit reports. Ongoing website development (, which includes frequent report updates and access, progressively expands audience reach and increases stakeholder engagement. The NAO has completed three exciting activities this year by working with the government and/or external support partners, including the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the International Republican Institute (IRI)-The Gambia, through IDI’s Accelerated Peer-Support Partnership Program (PAP-APP).
- The NAO’s new office building was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of the Gambia, H.E. Adama Barrow, in February 2019. Attendees included the Speaker of the National Assembly, Vice President, as well as other cabinet members and high dignitaries. The building, which consists of 33 staff offices, an Auditor General’s conference room, library, training room and gymnasium, will accommodate new staff and relevant departments that will contribute to achieving NAO strategic priorities.
- After completing five consultation meetings with internal and external stakeholders, the NAO has mapped out critical priorities for the next five years in its Strategic Development Plan (SDP) 2020-2024. The SDP, launched in August 2019, will help NAO plan, organize and guide operations, which includes hiring staff and establishing departments.
- With support from the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Development Initiative (IDI), NAO completed its Operational Plan 2020. The IDI two-week workshop included regional lessons-learned and helped the NAO identify more in-depth SDP activities in which to engage to increase visibility. Because of the realized benefits, the NAO will hold annual operational planning workshops throughout the SDP life cycle.