AGN Shares Regional Experience with INTOSAI GB

The General Audit Office of Argentina (AGN) attended the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) 70th Governing Board meeting in Graz, Austria.

In keeping with INTOSAI strategic plan goal three, crosscutting priority five, “Building upon, leveraging and facilitating cooperation and professionalism among the regional organizations of INTOSAI,” the AGN, representing the Organization of Latin American Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS), presented the OLACEFS experience on implementing the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and enriching stakeholder communication.

The AGN described necessary actions to implement ISSAIs, which include adopting internal auditing standards within the ISSAI framework; strengthening independence and transparency; and increasing audit quality.

OLACEFS officials addressed these actions through designing and implementing numerous initiatives, such as:

  • Customized staff training programs;
  • An e-Government tool aimed at eliminating unnecessary control processes;
  • Drone use for evidence auditing; and
  • Employing the Integrated Supervising Auditing System (SICA), an audit process monitoring mechanism developed jointly with the Republic of Chile’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI).

Stakeholder communication was also conveyed as a priority.

On this front, using social media channels and websites to disseminate news using a variety of media (audio, video, reports) remains a critical component of audience engagement.

The importance of INTOSAI’s diverse regional support was also highlighted. The AGN strongly suggested sharing knowledge and practices within a regional framework to address all stakeholders and encourage all regions, SAIs and members to create and cultivate lines of communication and support mechanisms to enhance effectiveness, efficiency and quality.


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