Tag: Netherlands

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Boost the Impact of Your Performance Audits: Building Blocks for a Theory on the Impact of Supreme Audit Institutions

Many Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have in recent decades adopted performance auditing as one of their main tasks. Performance audits extend a SAI’s role from main public auditor to judge, jury and even management consultant. INTOSAI has promoted performance auditing as a method to establish the economy, effectiveness and efficiency of government policy (‘the 3Es’) and a means to strengthen government accountability and transparency. 

News in Brief
News in Brief
Appointment of Mr Pieter Duisenberg as the new president of the Netherlands Court of Audit
December 7, 2023
Developing an Audit Framework for Algorithms

Algorithms can make government operations opaque, or a “black box.” With limited guidelines available, how can SAIs assess whether governments are using algorithms in a responsible and lawful manner? With its January 2021 report “Understanding Algorithms,” the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA)…

Sharaka Program Successfully Implements Virtual Exchange

When the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, the Netherlands Court of Audit (NCA) was working on a five-year “Sharaka” cooperative program with seven partner Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Palestine, Sudan and Tunisia. Sharaka means partnership in Arabic, and the program aspires to…