Tag: digital transformation

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The Role of Supreme Audit Institutions in a Changing World

As Auditor General, I have had the privilege of overseeing our national audit office during a period of change and significant challenges. As I reflect on my seven years in office, there are several key themes and lessons learned that I find to be essential for the ongoing development and effectiveness of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) globally.

GCA’s Digital Transformation: Innovative Solutions for Recommendation Implementation and Audit Follow-up

In recent years, the General Court of Audit (GCA), Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), has undertaken measures to bolster its framework, aiming to elevate its oversight capacity with a focus on objectivity, efficiency, and professionalism. Embracing a proactive stance, the GCA is committed to adapting to the swift evolution in financial auditing and performance oversight. GCA leveraged a modern technologies and methodologies to conduct audits with heightened effectiveness and quality, ensuring alignment with contemporary standards and practices. On the other hand, government agencies and ministries within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s public sector have also undergone significant transformations in recent years. These efforts are aligned with the ambitious goals outlined in Vision 2030 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which aims to diversify the economy, enhance public sector efficiency, and promote sustainable development. 

Digital By Default: A Concept of Creating Digital Culture in the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented challenges, one of which is the imposition of physical activity restrictions to curb the spread of the virus (Abouk & Heydari, 2021). These restrictions have significantly altered the way the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPK), carries out its auditing processes. In response to these restrictions, organizations and institutions have been forced to adapt and find innovative ways to continue their operations efficiently.

Auditor-General’s Office of Papua New Guinea Enhances Audit Management

Papua New Guinea is by far the largest of the developing island nations in the PASAI network. Its infrastructure is deficient, with inconsistent internet and power supply nationwide. Efforts are underway to construct a highway network that will connect the mountainous country, but once completed, maintenance may prove problematic due to landslides, tropical weather and seismic activity. 

Supreme Audit Institutions and Applying the Value Creation Concept for Taxpayers in a Digital Era

In the digital era, the one of the main challenges of public sector auditing is responding to digital disruption. Hence, several Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have attempted to move from a traditional to a modern approach, which is steered by digital technology.

Mongolian National Audit Office Launches a New E-learning System

In 2021, the Mongolian National Audit Office (MNAO) carried out major reforms to digitally transform its Electronic and Integrated Audit Management System. The MNAO developed a new web-portal, which provides virtual training, or e-learning accessibility for auditors.