By: INTOSAI Journal

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Preparing for the Journey

With INCOSAI XXII, United Arab Emirates (UAE) State Audit Institution President, Dr. Harib Al Amimi, envisioned a pivotal congress for the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). The UAE set out to host an event that celebrated past achievements and, perhaps more importantly, establish the momentum, the path for INTOSAI’s way forward…

What is Success? How Do We Get There?

Success [Noun]: the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals; a performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors. This issue of the Journal is dedicated to the International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in December 2016. A special edition covering a special event…

Expanding SAI Performance in Developing Countries

In 2009, the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and 15 donor organizations signed a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to augment and strengthen support to Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in developing countries. The MOU recognized (1) the importance of well-functioning, multidisciplinary and independent SAIs, and (2) support to SAIs from both the INTOSAI and Donor communities could be more effective…

INTOSAI Experts Database Up and Running

The Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Peru reminds the SAI community that the INTOSAI Experts Database is fully operational. The purpose of the database is to share professional knowledge among all SAIs, therefore promoting the database as a useful tool is key…

SAI Peru Presents PMF Assessment Report

During the “Accountability 2009-2016 and Challenges Toward 2021” event held May 9, 2016, the Office of the Comptroller General of Peru (SAI Peru), presented the results of the SAI Performance Measurement Framework…

Committee Demonstrates Value of Sharing Knowledge

Throughout the three-day event, numerous working groups and task forces provided updates and progress reports to the KSC on the accomplishments and achievements over the past year. Adding to the conference’s meaningful exchange were several open discussions, including…

CAROSAI Hosts Congress in Suriname

The Caribbean Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (CAROSAI) held its X Congress in Paramaribo, Suriname, May 30-June 2, 2016. “Strengthening SAIs through training, collaborative audits and implementation of International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs)” was the theme for this year’s event…

EUROSAI Goal One Team Issues New Innovations Volume

The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) of Hungary and the United Kingdom National Audit Office (NAO) have published the fourth volume of “Innovations.” This volume includes case studies on a wide range of innovations…

ISSAI 5600 Review in Final Stage

The revised ISSAI 5600 Guide content has undergone significant change to reflect the growing knowledge on the topic within the INTOSAI community in addition to feedback and suggestions received from INTOSAI members since the standard adoption in 2010 at XX INCOSAI…

Structured Capacity Building Drives Development

Since its inception in 2005, AFROSAI-E has followed a structured capacity building approach to support our 26 member SAIs to strengthen their performance. Our Institutional Capacity Building Framework (ICBF) is the foundation of this approach…


The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Working Group on Public Debt (WGPD) met July 5-7, 2016, at the National Audit Office of China’s (CNAO) Audit Academy…

Fishing Together for Corruption, Poverty Free Pacific

Governor Marcelino Petersion welcomed delegates from 19 Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) member countries to the State of Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), as the 19th Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) Congress kicked off during the first week in August. Several development partners also attended…

Using GIS to Monitor Public Works

This paper presents an alternative model for auditing public works through intensive use of Information Technology (IT). The model is based on the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for collecting, processing and analyzing data; producing tables, graphs and thematic maps; allowing remote monitoring of a large number of constructions; and providing a quick overview of the audited area…

Recruiting Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions

The INTOSAI México Declaration on Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Independence established the principle that SAI heads and members of collegial institutions should be appointed by a process that ensures independence from the executive. Yet, little is written within the SAI community on what constitutes an appropriate process for recruiting and appointing new heads…

SAIs a Necessity in Turbulent Times

Throughout the global financial crisis over the past few years, social and political instability has amplified the level of uncertainty associated with socio-economic processes. This uncertainty has led to a severe negative impact, particularly on emerging and transitioning nations, including Tajikistan. Tajikistan’s economy, like that of many developing countries, remains vulnerable to international financial and economic changes…

Turkish CoA Appoints New President, Hosts IT Audit Training

Mr. Seyit Ahmet Baş was appointed as the President of the Turkish Court of Accounts June 23, 2016, at the 106th session of the Turkish Grand National Assembly for a term of five years…

Romanian Court of Accounts Audits Capital’s Subway System

The need to optimize, modernize and extend the current metro network is rigorous and is generated by a number of factors including: Estimated population growth dynamics of Bucharest…

Belarus Hosts Heads of SAI Council in Minsk

Minsk (the Republic of Belarus) hosted the XVI Council of Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the Commonwealth of Independent States (the Council) June 7-8, 2016. The President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, along with the Chairman of the Executive Committee, Executive Secretary of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Sergei Lebedev, greeted attendees of the XVI session that included…

Stacking “Brics” for Inaugural Leadership Meeting

Impact, Quality and Communication: New Development Direction Leading to Increased Public Sector Efficiency and Value. The first Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (BRICS) Leaders Meeting took place June 24, 2016, in Beijing, China…

SCO Supreme Financial Control Institutions Meet in Astana

The Supreme Financial Control (Audit) Institutions of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states held their third meeting May 27, 2016, in Astana…

ALSAI Organizes Fourth Scientific Conference

The Albanian Supreme Audit Institution (ALSAI) organized its fourth Annual Scientific Conference in Tirana, Albania June 20-22, 2016. The conference, entitled “Risk Analysis,” garnered much attention, including that of the European Parliament…

New President of GAB Saudi Arabia Appointed

Dr. Hussam Al-Angari was appointed as President of the General Auditing Bureau (GAB) of Saudi Arabia on May 7, 2016…