Committee Demonstrates Value of Sharing Knowledge

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“I appreciate belonging to a community willing to share experiences and knowledge that results in an organization richer than we originally were.”
These words, offered by Benjamin Fuentes, Technical Secretary to the Auditor General of Mexico, officially opened the eighth meeting of the Steering Committee on Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Services (KSC) hosted by the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) of Mexico September 7-9, 2016, in Mexico City, Mexico.
Chaired by the SAI of India, the event focused on the crucial importance of knowledge sharing with a deep desire to continue collaborating, communicating and coordinating on many levels—supporting SAIs, task forces, working groups and committees—to promote good governance and provide value that helps shape the audit community of the future.
Mr. H. Pradeep Rao, SAI of India Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General, and KSC Chairman, expressed, “I am proud to be a part of a group that truly benefits all of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and encourages a free exchange of ideas and suggestions.”
Throughout the three-day event, numerous working groups and task forces provided updates and progress reports to the KSC on the accomplishments and achievements over the past year. Adding to the conference’s meaningful exchange were several open discussions, including how the KSC can:
- Cooperate with INTOSAI regions;
- Improve upon the KSC-IDI (INTOSAI Development Initiative) development program;
- Identify research projects of mutual interest and concern;
- Reach approval of the KSC work plan for 2017-2019; and
- Expand and enhance the INTOSAI portal.
Monika Gonzalez-Koss, INTOSAI General Secretariat and Director of Strategic Planning, updated the group on the INTOSAI strategic plan, noting the active involvement from across the INTOSAI community. The new strategic plan is equipped with a new vision and mission that “reflects the increased importance of INTOSAI capacity building, good governance and accountability,” Gonzalez-Koss explained.
The KSC steering committee approved several key standards and documents to put forward to the Governing Board, including the SAI Performance Measurement Framework (PMF). The establishment of a new working group on big data was introduced and met with overwhelming KSC support. The Working Group on Big Data will be put forth for endorsement by the next governing board and approval by the XXII INCOSAI this December.
Fuentes offered some closing remarks expressing appreciation to all attendees for the hard work during the meeting and for the confidence instilled in the SAI of Mexico to host the event.
Rao officially concluded the session citing his gratitude to the SAI of Mexico, friendly national support and thorough enjoyment regarding the high level of participation and interaction by all throughout the three days of exchange.