JURISAI International Conference To Take Place in Paris

October 3, 2024

Ahead of JURISAI’s constitutive General Assembly, which will be held in Paris to adopt its strategic plan and elect its officers, the Cour des Comptes is organizing, with the support of FONDAFIP, the JURISAI International conference, on Monday, October 7, 2024, from 2:30 to 6:30 pm.

JURISAI is the international successor organization to the Forum of Jurisdictional Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), created in Paris in 2015, with regard to the promotion of the jurisdictional model and the strengthening of related norms, professional standards and practices.

A quarter of the SAIs represented at INTOSAI carry out jurisdictional activities. Most of them are located in the French, Spanish and Portuguese-speaking areas. This is an attractive model, which extends beyond these linguistic and cultural spheres: South Africa, Latvia and Thailand have recently equipped their SAIs with a new competence and an appropriate organization to sanction misappropriation of public funds.

The JURISAI International conference will focus on the theme of “Auditors and judges: supreme audit institutions that make decisions”, and will bring together 31 SAIs and numerous experts for two round-table discussions on “Auditor and judge: the conditions for harmonious complementarity”, and “The stakes and challenges of jurisdictional decision”.

The conference will be opened by Pierre Moscovici, First President of the French Cour des comptes, Bruno Dantas, current President of INTOSAI and President of Brazil’s Tribunal de Contas da União, and Michel Bouvier, President of FONDAFIP.

Elisabeth Guigou, former Minister and member of the Conseil Supérieur de la Magistrature, will be the keynote speaker at the conference, which will be closed by Zineb El Adaoui, First President of the Court of Accounts of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Follow the conference live by videoconference (prior registration required): 

To learn more about the jurisdictional SAIs, read the special issue of the International Journal of Government Auditing on jurisdictional SAIs: 

Discover the advantages that jurisdictional SAIs can bring to society: