What is Success? How Do We Get There?

Success [Noun]: the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; the accomplishment of one’s goals; a performance or achievement that is marked by success, as by the attainment of honors.
This issue of the Journal is dedicated to the International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in December 2016.
A special edition covering a special event.
The Journal was on hand to document the approval and endorsement of INTOSAI’s Strategic Plan 2017-2022 at the triennial congress, and with a similar glance toward the future, wondered what INTOSAI would look like as it implements the plan and progresses over the next few years.
The notion of success, as defined in the dictionary, seems simple enough, but what does success really look like for INTOSAI? That is the question the Journal posed to participants at INCOSAI XXII held this past December in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
The responses, the ideals of what success means for the future of INTOSAI were as varied, as diverse, as our membership.
With 194 members, INTOSAI has a distinct advantage, a clear opportunity to harness and share its varied knowledge, experience and views to generate future growth and foster success in the years to come.
Success can be likened to flying. It is a journey. Some factors known, some not. Numerous possibilities and an equal (or more) amount of challenges. Constantly calibrating and recalibrating and always learning lessons along the way.
INCOSAI XXII began with a vision in 2012 proposed by Dr. Harib Al Amimi, President of the State Audit Institution of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
His vision took flight, thanks primarily to his outstanding team of professionals. Through their collaboration, hard work and dedication, they ensured INCOSAI XXII was a success for the organization and all participants.
We thank the UAE staff for their warmth and hospitality and all INCOSAI XXII participants for making this part of our journey together so enjoyable!