Slovak Republic SAO Hosts ISSAI Seminar

The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) of the Slovak Republic (SR) organized a seminar on the “Implementation of ISSAI 300—Fundamental Principles of Performance Auditing—Experience and Best Practice” in Bratislava, Slovakia, in April 2017.
Nearly 60 international delegates and 30 national experts attended the two-day event, including representatives from the Slovak Republic’s Ministry of Finance; Matej Bel University (Banská Bystrica, Slovakia); International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI); and the INTOSAI Development Initiative.
To broaden its reach, SAO SR broadcast the seminar live via Facebook, providing full event access to those unable to attend in-person.
The seminar included presentations on International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and discussions the use of ISSAIs in performance auditing, paying particular attention to sharing knowledge and experiences with ISSAI 300, as well as ISSAIs 3000, 3100 and 3200 (recently endorsed at INCOSAI 2016).
There was a rich exchange of views on how Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) can improve audits by using these guidelines that support performance audit implementation and help shape audit work.
Workshops focusing on performance audit case studies, presented by the SAIs of Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, Ireland, Israel, Poland and Switzerland, were additional event highlights. Participants were divided into four groups—public procurement, education, environment and social policy—where they shared ideas and lessons learned to help identify best practices.
For more information about this event, contact the SAO SR at