SAI Russia Prepares for 2019 Congress, Meets with International Counterparts

“We have many ideas, proposals and innovations aimed at strengthening the role of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI). It’s an ambitious goal, but one I believe is attainable in the foreseeable future.”
Inspiring words about the audit community’s huge creative potential from Aleksey Kudrin, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of Russia, the nation’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), delivered to delegates attending the 71st Governing Board (GB) meeting in Moscow.
Russia’s SAI, host of the XXIII INTOSAI Congress (INCOSAI) to be held in the nation’s capital in September 2019, has chosen two Congress themes to focus on at the triennial event: (1) Information Technologies in the Development of Public Administration and (2) Role of SAIs in the Achievement of National Priorities and Goals. These themes, Kudrin noted, reflect the need for evolution and new approaches.
“The center of our discussion will shift from financial and compliance audits to strategic and complex approaches in public audit to improve public administration effectiveness and accountability.”
The Congress, which will also feature several discussion panels to expand on topics important to the global audit community, will result in the “Moscow Declaration,” which, according to Kudrin, must reflect new opportunities for SAI improvement in forming and implementing coordinated and stable policies.
During the GB meeting, Kudrin held several bilateral meetings, including one with INTOSAI Chairman and President of the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) State Audit Office, Dr. Harib Saeed Al Amimi, and Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States.
Delegates agreed they should continue work on developing INTOSAI’s Charter, ensuring it is more responsive to modern technological challenges and includes the new role of audit institutions as strategic advisors to their governments.