SAI Angola Appoints New Judges, Participates in PFM Workshop, Signs MoU

New Judges Appointed
In accordance with constitutional powers and in keeping with the proposal of the Judiciary Superior Council, the President of the Republic of Angola, João Lourenço, appointed new Court of Audit (COA) judges in an official ceremony at the Presidential Palace in June 2018. Dr. Exalgina Renée Vicente Olavo Gambôa assumes the role as COA President, and Domingas Alexandra Garcia now holds the position of COA Vice President.

“We intend to establish close cooperation with all audit institutions, so that all work can be transparent,” stressed Dr. Gambôa.
President Lourenço expressed confidence in the capabilities of the appointed judges and stated, “They are in a position to face the challenges for the good of national justice and democracy.”

Public Financial Management Reporting Framework Workshop Through GIZ, AFROSAI-E Support
As part of a project conceived by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the African Organization of English-Speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E), a three-day workshop on the Public Financial Management Reporting Framework (PFM RF) was held at COA headquarters.
The training, attended by staff representing all COA levels, focused on the PFM RF tool’s fundamental principles, origin, utility and benefits while incorporating local, real-time data.
Dr. Exalgina Gambôa, COA President, offered opening remarks, where she cited the PFM-RF as an extraordinary support instrument in inspecting public finance and financial management.

Cooperation Agreement Signed with São Tomé and Príncipe
On February 15, 2019, Angola’s COA signed a technical and scientific cooperation agreement with the São Tomé and Príncipe COA.
Dr. Exalgina Gambôa, President, Angola’s COA, said the agreement “promotes action, emphasizes the importance of partnerships and highlights the work of both Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) within the region and globally as part of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI).”
The President of São Tomé and Príncipe’s COA, Dr António José Monte Cristo, affirmed that the cooperation agreement between the two SAIs generates tremendous opportunities for exchanging information and experiences, particularly in technical training aspects.