PSC Passes Baton, Aims for Ambitious Program

The incoming chair and vice-chair of the Professional Standards Committee (PSC), the Brazilian Federal Court of Accounts (TCU—SAI Brazil) and the European Court of Auditors (ECA—SAI European Union) took the baton from the outgoing chair (Rigsrevisionen—SAI Denmark) during the INTOSAI Congress in December, and they have plans for an ambitious program for the next three years! The platform centers on two key elements: the “Objective 1” goals agreed upon in the 2017-2022 INTOSAI Strategic Plan and strengthening INTOSAI’s standard setting and implementation.
The strategic goals, strongly influenced by the 2014 PSC evaluation, mean that many changes came into effect at the Congress. INTOSAI standards will be restructured by 2019 into the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP). And, as part of the revised due process endorsed by Congress, a new body—the Forum for INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP)—will work under the oversight of the PSC Steering Committee to ensure quality, consistency and relevance of the included pronouncements (as developed by the distinct subcommittees, working groups and project groups).
As members of the PSC Steering Committee, the chairs of the Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing Committees will play an important part in the governance of the FIPP. Together, the three goal chairs are responsible for maintaining FIPP membership and proposing any new needed members to the Governing Board following an annual call for nominations. This process will be significant in enhancing collaboration between the goal chairs in the future.
Under INTOSAI’s revised due process, the PSC assumes overall responsibility for ensuring the effective operation of INTOSAI’s standard-setting activities. The revised due process also introduces the Strategic Development Plan (SDP) which will include all INTOSAI standard-setting activities, and the PSC chair team will institute systems to monitor the SDP’s implementation.
Included in the ambitious program is the task of strengthening the consultation process with external stakeholders. By reinforcing this process, the PSC intends to improve the planning and development of professional pronouncements. The incoming chairs will also examine the feasibility of establishing a permanent technical support structure to support INTOSAI’s standard-setting.
All of these initiatives (and more!) will be a part of the PSC Steering Committee meeting agenda currently scheduled for June 8-9, 2017, in Brasilia. It promises to be a significant and interesting event!
At INCOSAI XXII, the incoming chairs highlighted the excellent work accomplished by the outgoing chair, as well as the excellent support received from SAI Denmark during the transition period.