Japan Board of Audit Issues 2015 Annual Report

Mr. Teruhiko Kawato, President of the Board of Audit of Japan (the Board), submitted the Fiscal Year 2015 audit report to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The report, containing results on audits the Board conducted between 2015 and 2016, includes final accounts of annual expenditures and revenues of state and government-affiliated institutions. After the submission to the Cabinet, the Cabinet, in turn, provided the report to the National Diet (Japan’s bicameral legislature) along with the audited final accounts. This audit report contains 455 audit cases resulting in 1.2189 Trillion Yen (approximately 10.2 billion USD) of “improper amounts.”
The Board continuously aims to conduct agile, flexible audits and respond to issues in a timely and appropriate manner. In this annual audit report, the Board noted issues on several matters, including:
- Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake
- Securing the safety of citizens’ well-being
- Proper execution of budget and appropriate management of public accounts
- Assets, funds and other stock
- Efficient use of administrative expenses and the effectiveness of projects
- Social security
- Environment and energy
- Information technology
The Board can, throughout the year, report to the Diet and Cabinet at any time on issues which the Board has presented its opinions, demanded measures, or finds particularly necessary (even prior to the completion of the audit report) for that fiscal year. In 2015-2016, there were 10 cases that fell into this category. Likewise, the Diet can request the Board to conduct audits on specific matters and report the results (the Board reported two cases to the Diet in 2015-2016 in this category).
For additional information, contact the Board of Audit of Japan via email: liaison@jbaudit.go.jp or web: www.jbaudit.go.jp/english/.
Photo: Mr. Teruhiko Kawato, President of the Board of Audit, left, and Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan. Source: Official Website of the Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet.