The Cooperation: Helping SAIs Challenge Their Environment
In 2009, INTOSAI and 15 Donors signed a milestone Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) designed to augment and strengthen support to the Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) community. The MoU recognizes the potential value SAIs contribute to strengthening governance, accountability and poverty reduction.
The MoU provides a common approach to increased strategic focus and coordination for donors and the SAI community in reinforcing SAIs in developing countries, which entails:
Donors mobilizing additional funding for SAI strengthening;
Increased strategic focus on the important role of SAIs in terms of governance, development and poverty reduction;
Improved coordination of support to the SAI community; and
Better and more effective support initiatives.
Support is provided through a hierarchy of activities, principally at the country level, and then at the regional and International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) global levels.
Because the support is to be demand-driven and sustainable, it is based on strategic and development action plans.