Effective March 30, 2021, following unanimous approval by the House of Representatives, President of Malta Dr. George Vella re-appointed Auditor General Charles Deguara to a second five-year term, in accordance with the Constitution. The Maltese Deputy Auditor General, Noel Camilleri, was similarly re-appointed for a second five-year term.

During their first mandate, Mr. Deguara and Mr. Camilleri built on the excellent foundations established by their predecessors by further enhancing the human, physical, and technological resources of the National Audit Office (NAO) of Malta.
These efforts resulted in a marked increase in the quantity and quality of audit reports NAO issued across all audit categories within its mandate—financial and compliance audits, performance audits, special audits and investigations, and information technology (IT) audits.

Mr. Deguara, in collaboration with Mr. Camilleri, led the process of drafting NAO’s 2019-2023 strategy, which included an internal assessment of NAO’s audit practices. They are currently implementing the strategy, with the ultimate aim of further improving governance and performance across the public sector.
For more information, please visit NAO’s website at http://nao.gov.mt.