Three SAI Young Leaders Recognized for Excellence in Innovation, Collaboration and Transformation

The INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI)’s SAI Young Leaders Awards celebrate and recognize innovation, collaboration and transformation brought by young leaders through their change strategy projects from the SAI Young Leaders Initiative. The SAI Young Leaders Initiative aims to support young leaders from SAIs to implement a change strategy to bring real and positive shifts in the SAI. At XXIV INCOSAI in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, Ms. Archana Shirsat, Deputy Director General at IDI, and the three judges of the SAI Young Leaders Awards, Dr. Silke Steiner of the INTOSAI General Secretariat and the Austrian Court of Audit; Dasho Tashi, Auditor General of Bhutan and Chairman, Accounting & Auditing Standards of Bhutan, and; Michael Hix, Director of International Relations of the U.S. GAO, presented the awards to three exceptional SAI Young Leaders.

The Innovative SAI Young Leaders Award is given to the SAI Young Leader who has most demonstrated an innovative mindset, and has designed and implemented fit-for-purpose solutions.

Erick Alvarado Munoz of the Contraloria General de la Repùblica (SAI Costa Rica), was awarded the Innovative SAI Young Leaders Award for his change strategy, “Use of GROW Model and other coaching principles in the audit process to generate changes and promote efficiency through the empowerment of public officials”. Mr. Munoz identified potential in his SAI to improve coaching principles and the auditor mindset, and to change the SAI generates public value, and interacts with audits to promote personal responsibility and to increase awareness.

Nicaria Stewart of the Auditor General’s Department, Jamaica, was presented with the Collaborative SAI Young Leaders Award for her change strategy, “Rise with Me Jamaica— Committed to Information Security”. Ms. Stewart implemented an information security policy, which has led to increased information security awareness, and provided the Auditor General’s Department of Jamaica with an edge to transition to remote work with reduced risk of data breach. The award recognized Ms. Stewart’s excellence in collaboration: she supported the growth of the other SAI Young Leaders in her cohort through open knowledge sharing to foster a creative, respectful and trustworthy environment.

Emine Ersöz of the Turkish Court of Accounts, was awarded the Transformative SAI Young Leaders Award for her change strategy, “SAI Turkey: Developing and Efficient Communication Strategy”. Ms. Ersöz demonstrated a clear vision and purpose for her change management strategy, which made a visible difference to the communication practices of SAI Turkey. She enhanced the Turkish Court of Accounts’ social media presence, increased the use of digital tools, and identified and included stakeholder engagement in the audit process.

The recipients contributed to positive change in their SAI, and explored solutions within the context in which their SAIs operate. The SAI Young Leaders award recipients’ innovation in their change strategy addressed a felt issue or need in their SAI, and utilized an innovative design and delivery of their strategy that reflected on key aspects of sustainability, quality, inclusiveness, and impact.
You can hear from these award winners and future leaders below.