Tag: USA

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News in Brief
INTOSAI Journal Welcomes New Members to Board of Directors
February 11, 2025
U.S. GAO’s 2024 International Auditor Fellowship Program Builds Capacities For SAIs Around the World

On July 11, 16 international professionals from Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) graduated from the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) International Auditor Fellowship Program (IAFP). The 2024 fellows represent the countries of Albania, Argentina, Brazil, Georgia, India, Kosovo, Madagascar, Malawi, Nepal, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ukraine.

Implementing GAO Recommendations and Audit Follow-up

The Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) work routinely generates recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government programs, resulting in measurable savings and improvements. Since fiscal year (FY) 2002, GAO’s work has resulted in about $1.38 trillion in financial benefits and over 28,000 program and operational benefits that have helped change laws, improve public safety and other services, and promote better management throughout government. In FY 2023 alone, GAO’s work yielded $70.4 billion in financial benefits—a return of about $84 for every dollar invested in GAO. GAO also identified 1,220 other benefits—those that cannot be measured in dollars but led to program and operational improvements across the government.  Examples of recent accomplishments include:

Closing the Audit Loop: A Methodology for Tracking Audit Recommendations

Audits performed by Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) are valuable tools that help identify risks, inefficiencies and areas of improvement for a wide variety of governmental programs.  These audits fill the gap between policy and practice by providing timely audit results and constructive feedback to those audited.  Included in this constructive feedback are recommendations meant to enhance performance and implementation of recommendations to ensure policy and/or standards are being met. This closing of the audit loop is an essential, final step in the audit process.  

The Connected Audit: Thinking Ahead to Maximize Impact

Many auditors have developed considerable experience conducting each stage of an audit, yet those same auditors often lose momentum when it comes to moving from one stage to the next. One reason is that auditors must get the details right to support convincing findings and conclusions; however, that same focus on the details may prevent an auditor from considering how decisions on one stage will impact the next stage of the audit. Consequently, in addition to developing technical skills needed to execute each stage of an audit, auditors should also develop the ability to think ahead to help an audit move smoothly from one stage to the next. 

Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering Meets in Abu Dhabi
September 13, 2024
News in Brief
News in Brief
GAO Welcomes 2024 Cohort to its International Auditor Fellowship Program
June 17, 2024
News in Brief
News in Brief
Applications Open for U.S. GAO’s 2025 International Auditor Fellowship Program (IAFP)
June 5, 2024
A Letter from the Journal’s President

I hope this message finds you, your colleagues, and families in good health and high spirits. I would like to thank you for your continued support, contributions, and interest in the INTOSAI Journal. As Journal President, I am most grateful for your ongoing efforts to help us deliver timely, informative, and helpful content for the INTOSAI community and our key stakeholders.

The Working Group on Financial and Economic Stability Focuses on Accountability in Times of Crisis During its Tenth Annual Meeting in Rome, Italy
January 11, 2024
GAO Launched First-Ever Virtual International Fellowship Program in 2022

After 40 years of conducting its International Auditor Fellowship Program (fellows program) in-person, the U.S….

Technology is Advancing Every Day, We Think Oversight Should Too!

The Government Accountability Office—the United States Supreme Audit Institution—established its Innovation Lab in 2019 as a research entity dedicated to exploration and experimentation of data science techniques and emerging technologies. The goal is to amplify GAO’s oversight capabilities across the evolving web 3.0 landscape. The INTOSAI Journal recently joined the Lab for a tour of the facility at GAO headquarters where an entrepreneurial team of data scientists, technologists, and analysts come together collaboratively across a portfolio of novel projects ranging from deployment of large language models to use of extended reality.

GAO Celebrates the Graduation of its 2023 International Fellows!
October 12, 2023
Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro accepts Kandutsch Award
Comptroller General of the United States Gene L. Dodaro Accepts the Jörg Kandutsch Award on behalf of the US Government Accountability Office

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) presented the Jörg Kandutsch Award at the…

Engaging with Civil Society Enables High Quality Audits in Critical Times: Perspectives from the U.S. GAO

In recent years, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have increasingly seen the value in engaging with civil society as a way to enhance government accountability and the quality of their audits. While we regularly engage with civil society during the normal course of our work, at no time has this been more important than during global emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic that we all have experienced for going on three years.

Journal Announces New Spotlight on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Greetings and Happy New Year to the INTOSAI community from the International Journal of Government Auditing. The Journal Board of Directors and staff look forward to continuing our constructive, collegial, and informative engagement with the INTOSAI community in 2022 and beyond. I am very excited to announce that…

INTOSAI Grant Program Helps More than 50 SAIs during the Pandemic

In a major show of support, INTOSAI provided funding to Supreme Audit Institutions (SAI) to help with continuity of operations during the pandemic. Under the leadership of Dr. Hussam Alangari, Auditor General of Saudi Arabia, and Mr. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States, the “SAI Continuity during COVID-19” grant funded the purchase of…

GAO Holds International Webinar on Auditing for Fraud

With governments around the world spending massive sums to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) have a key role to play in detecting and preventing fraud. To share knowledge and best practices, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) held an international webinar on September 15, 2021, on “Auditing for Fraud: Experiences, Tools and Techniques, and Looking Ahead.” The virtual event, which attracted approximately 260 attendees, was…

The Disaster Resilience Framework: A Tool to Promote Foresight and Accountability

Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires, have the potential to devastate people’s everyday lives by causing injuries and death, destroying homes and infrastructure, and wreaking economic havoc. From 2000 through 2019, there were 7,348 major disaster events worldwide, which claimed 1.23 million lives, affected 4.2 billion people (many more than once), and resulted in approximately U.S. $2.97 trillion in global economic losses. Governments usually lead recovery efforts by…

Virtual Audit Workshops Facilitate Learning, Collaboration during the Pandemic

Among the many drastic changes wrought by the COVID-19 crisis has been the sudden shift to a virtual work environment. At the start of the pandemic, some audit offices had already made significant strides toward enabling remote work, while others conducted work primarily in-person, whether to build a collaborative work culture, ensure safe handling of sensitive documents, or due to limited information technology infrastructure or other reasons. The pandemic has presented..

GAO Publishes Groundbreaking Framework for AI Accountability

The rapidly evolving pace of AI makes it necessary to establish a framework to independently verify AI systems (even as the technology continues to advance). The global accountability community needs a toolkit to evaluate this ever-changing technology, and, more importantly, organizations that build, purchase, and deploy AI need a framework to understand how AI systems will be evaluated. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), recognizing the urgent need for AI governance…

GAO Hosts Discussion Group on COVID-19 Lessons Learned

On May 25, 2021, Mr. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States, led a virtual discussion group on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. More than 30 organizations—including INTOSAI organizations and 21 Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), donor and civil society organizations, and United Nations organizations and observers—contributed to the dialogue. The group stems from…