Tag: ifpp

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PSC Steering Committee Meeting Focuses on IFPP Updates and Improvements

On October 19, 2021, the INTOSAI Professional Standards Committee (PSC) held its 18th annual Steering Committee meeting. Minister Bruno Dantas of Brazil’s Federal Court of Accounts (TCU), the Chair of PSC, welcomed participants to the virtual event, which focused on work related to the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP). The meeting featured a number of updates on…

PSC Meeting Highlights Efforts for Continued Improvement

The PSC met virtually on October 6, 2020, to discuss past accomplishments and future initiatives with an agenda that featured such topics as strategic objectives and crosscutting priorities, international standards, the network of standards liaison officers, Technical Support Function and Strategic Development Plan (SDP) progress. In his opening remarks, Bruno Dantas…

The FIPP: Who We Are, What We Do

In 2014, the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) established a temporary Common Forum for professional standards. At the 2016 INTOSAI Congress in Abu Dhabi, the forum…

Professional Pronouncements Framework Migration Underway

The International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) established a new Framework for Professional Pronouncements (IFPP) in 2016 at the XXII INCOSAI. The IFPP aims to enhance the clarity and credibility of professional pronouncements and further the use and applicability of the International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) as…

Call for Input into IFPP Strategic Development Plan Coming Soon

The XXII International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI), held in Abu Dhabi in December 2016, introduced two significant changes for International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) standard setting…

FIPP Gathers for Working Meeting in Guatemala

The Comptroller General of the Republic of Guatemala hosted the Forum for International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Professional Pronouncements (FIPP) working meeting November 27-30, 2017. The productive meeting, the FIPP’s sixth, included several objectives…

Improving the Professional Pronouncements Framework

by Michael Kuur Sørensen, SAI of Denmark (Professional Standards Committee, Secretariat) The Professional Standards Committee…