Tag: eurosai

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SAO Czech Republic Elected EUROSAI Chair

The Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic (SAO) was elected to chair the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) at the Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, in May. The SAO, leading EUROSAI from 2020-2023, will host the 2020 Congress in Prague. The SAO summarizes the vision for EUROSAI with Project “3C”—Communication, Cooperation and Comparison. Under the 3C vision, the SAO strives to achieve effective collaborative relationships during its presidency, recognizing that EUROSAI should be efficient and add value to its members. The aim is to achieve…

EUROSAI Congress Focuses on ISSAI Use, Enhancement

The Turkish Court of Accounts (TCA) hosted the 10th European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, May 22-25, 2017. This year’s congressional theme—”Implementation of International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs): Challenges and Solutions for Improvement”—geared participants toward discovering ways ISSAIs can be enhanced to best serve…

“Updates Available” on YES Event

A few years ago, a great idea arose in the European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI), an idea that proved a perfect match for young staff of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), an idea that led to the realization of two extremely successful events—Young EUROSAI (YES) Conferences. The National Audit Office of Estonia’s young staff continues the legacy of YES success…

EUROSAI TF on Municipality Audit Holds Inaugural Meeting

The European Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions Task Force on Municipality Audit (EUROSAI TFMA) had its kick-off meeting April 11-12, 2017, in Vilnius, Lithuania. Forty-nine representatives from SAIs representing 25 EUROSAI countries assembled to build the foundation for task force future work. During the inaugural meeting, the Working Program 2017-2020 was discussed and approved, which encompassed planning activities, sharing responsibilities, establishing deadlines and defining strategic goals…

EUROSAI Goal One Team Issues New Innovations Volume

The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) of Hungary and the United Kingdom National Audit Office (NAO) have published the fourth volume of “Innovations.” This volume includes case studies on a wide range of innovations…