Tag: audit impact

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Systematic Approaches to Performance Audits of Environmental Policies

Auditing the performance of government environmental programs is concerned with the three E’s, Economy, Efficiency, and Effectiveness, like most performance audits. However, it is very difficult to set up performance indicators and select adequate methodology to analyze the performance results for auditing in various environmental programs.

Auditing Climate Change: Impact, Risk, and Resilience

The threat of climate change looms large in today’s world of rapid global change, altering the social, economic, and environmental landscapes at a rate never seen before. As the effects of this global catastrophe become more obvious, it is critical that communities and organizations fully recognize, evaluate, and manage the risks involved. This thorough research uses real-world case studies and scenarios to provide a greater knowledge of this important topic as it investigates the key role that auditing plays in assessing the effect, risk, and resilience of entities in the face of climate change.

GCA’s Digital Transformation: Innovative Solutions for Recommendation Implementation and Audit Follow-up

In recent years, the General Court of Audit (GCA), Saudi Arabia’s Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), has undertaken measures to bolster its framework, aiming to elevate its oversight capacity with a focus on objectivity, efficiency, and professionalism. Embracing a proactive stance, the GCA is committed to adapting to the swift evolution in financial auditing and performance oversight. GCA leveraged a modern technologies and methodologies to conduct audits with heightened effectiveness and quality, ensuring alignment with contemporary standards and practices. On the other hand, government agencies and ministries within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s public sector have also undergone significant transformations in recent years. These efforts are aligned with the ambitious goals outlined in Vision 2030 of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which aims to diversify the economy, enhance public sector efficiency, and promote sustainable development. 

State Audit Office of Georgia’s real time experience in recommendation follow-up with innovative ARIS platform

The State Audit Office of Georgia (SAO) has emerged as an inspiration for innovation and accountability for advancing effective public financial management. To fulfill its mandate of identifying and addressing systemic deficiencies in public administration, the SAO has embraced innovative technology, launching a transformative initiative of Audit Recommendation Implementation System (ARIS). This article explores the impact of the ARIS, the groundbreaking platform that has significantly changed the follow-up process of audit recommendations in Georgia.

RIM: The New Frontier in Measuring Implementation Recommendations

In the dynamic landscape of public sector management, the pursuit of enhanced accountability, efficiency, and transparency is never-ending. Traditional metrics and oversight mechanisms, while foundational, often fall short in capturing the continued progress of implementing audit recommendations. 

Think BIG! — Testing a New Approach for Recommendations

The State Audit Office Law stipulates that the State Audit Office of Latvia (SAI Latvia) has the right to provide recommendations for addressing the deficiencies discovered during the audit, as well as to specify a time limit by which the audited entity shall notify, in writing, that the deficiencies have been resolved. In 2023, SAI Latvia celebrated its centenary, and over time, the State Audit Office has refined its approach in providing recommendations and in facilitating their implementation by the auditees.

Unleashing the Potential of Public Audits

Efficient and effective utilization of public funds and resources is essential for all countries to achieve their development targets. Government auditors, led by national supreme audit institutions (SAIs), play a critical role in monitoring the utilization of these resources. SAIs are countries’ top watchdogs on government finances and are mandated, often by national constitutions, to scrutinize whether governments are managing public funds properly. SAIs conduct financial audits that examine the legality of financial transactions and performance audits to assess whether public funds have been used efficiently and effectively. Audit reports issued by SAIs contain recommendations on how to improve financial management. 

Implementing Recommendations and Audit Follow up: Modernising Government Warehouses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In this era that witnesses rapid developments in technology fields and growing administrative challenges, there is an increasing need to modernise auditing systems to enhance transparency and efficiency in the management of public resources. For decades, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia relied on a regulation of government warehouses that was adopted in 1983, which was, at the time, appropriate and effective according to the standards and requirements. This regulation, which was implemented under the supervision of the Ministry of Finance (MOF), provided a solid foundation for managing resources efficiently and effectively. In this context, the Supreme Audit Institution of the Kingdom (the General Court of Audit  (GCA)) played a pivotal role in pioneering digital transformation and modernising systems through active participation in restructuring and developing the regulations of government warehouses. The last of these regulations was issued in 2020, which came into effect following its communication with the government authorities, most notably the MOF on one hand, and higher authorities on the other. This process included introducing advanced automated systems, improving government procedures, and activating administrative governance in accordance with best practices, which contributed to significantly improving government operations and services.

Improving Efficiency in Implementing Audit Recommendations: Challenges and Solutions

The successful implementation of audit recommendations serves as a key indicator of the effectiveness and efficiency of audit activities. Therefore, monitoring and inspecting the implementation of audit recommendations play a critical role in evaluating the quality, effectiveness of audit activities and impact on the management and use of public finances and assets. This process not only demonstrates the level of agreement from audited entities but also identifies reasons for any unimplemented audit recommendations.

Implementing Recommendations and Identifying Impact of the Audits: Perspectives from the National Audit Office of Malta

The National Audit Office’s (NAO Malta) mission is to assist in promoting accountability, propriety, and best practices in government operations. This mission is continuously achieved through the substantial number of audits of a compliance, financial, performance or investigative nature in various Ministries, departments and Government entities. 

Building More Effective Follow-up Audit Mechanisms

The National Audit Office of China (CNAO) places equal importance on both revealing problems in audit and correcting problems identified. Through in-depth research-based auditing, proactive efforts have been made to heighten the effectiveness of follow-up audit featuring clarified implementation responsibilities, operational workflows, and value added outcomes.

Implementing GAO Recommendations and Audit Follow-up

The Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) work routinely generates recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government programs, resulting in measurable savings and improvements. Since fiscal year (FY) 2002, GAO’s work has resulted in about $1.38 trillion in financial benefits and over 28,000 program and operational benefits that have helped change laws, improve public safety and other services, and promote better management throughout government. In FY 2023 alone, GAO’s work yielded $70.4 billion in financial benefits—a return of about $84 for every dollar invested in GAO. GAO also identified 1,220 other benefits—those that cannot be measured in dollars but led to program and operational improvements across the government.  Examples of recent accomplishments include:

Analysis of the development, follow-up and impact of recommendations on government auditing in Peru

In Peru, there are three main types of control services in the governmental sphere: ex-ante, simultaneous and ex-post.

Ex-ante control is implemented before any financial disbursement is made. A clear example is the ex-ante authorization requested from the Office of the Comptroller for the payment of additional services in investment or construction projects.

Closing the Audit Loop: A Methodology for Tracking Audit Recommendations

Audits performed by Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) are valuable tools that help identify risks, inefficiencies and areas of improvement for a wide variety of governmental programs.  These audits fill the gap between policy and practice by providing timely audit results and constructive feedback to those audited.  Included in this constructive feedback are recommendations meant to enhance performance and implementation of recommendations to ensure policy and/or standards are being met. This closing of the audit loop is an essential, final step in the audit process.  

Beyond Compliance: Elevating Audit Impact through Behavioral Insights

Through their work, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) are compelled to promote positive changes in people’s lives. To achieve this purpose, auditing stands out as one of the most important tools at SAIs’ disposal to increase the public value generation. By carrying out audits, a SAI can evaluate whether processes are executed in compliance with established norms, identify performance improvements (under the usual principles of effectiveness, efficiency, and economy), or conclude on the financial information of an entity.

The Connected Audit: Thinking Ahead to Maximize Impact

Many auditors have developed considerable experience conducting each stage of an audit, yet those same auditors often lose momentum when it comes to moving from one stage to the next. One reason is that auditors must get the details right to support convincing findings and conclusions; however, that same focus on the details may prevent an auditor from considering how decisions on one stage will impact the next stage of the audit. Consequently, in addition to developing technical skills needed to execute each stage of an audit, auditors should also develop the ability to think ahead to help an audit move smoothly from one stage to the next. 

Big Impact, Small Island SAI

Our Cook Islands audit team is small in size but big on ambition. Having led my SAI for a little more than a year, I am relatively new to the role, but I have trained and worked alongside my auditor colleagues in the Pacific Island region for many years now. Ultimately, our team works to ensure the people of the Cook Islands have trust and confidence in the public sector (or ‘civil service’), and in the spending of taxpayer money.

Auditing Efficient and Safe Environments for Remote Work in the Public Sector in Georgia with IT Governance

Creating an effective and safe environment for remote work in the public sector requires clear policies, careful planning, technology and infrastructure, data security, performance measurement, and focus on productivity of employees, and public sector auditing organizations have a role to play in ensuring this environment.

How are governments ensuring that no one is left behind? IDI and UN Women are developing a ‘Leave No One Behind’ Audit Framework 

What does it mean to implement the SDG principle of ‘Leave no one Behind’? How can SAIs’ audit the implementation of this principle by governments? 

PASAI Collaborates with CAAF to Develop Performance Measurement Systems in Two SAIs

In 2022-23, the Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) commissioned the Canadian Audit and Accountability Foundation (CAAF), to support the design and implementation of performance management systems for the Office of the National Auditor of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and the Pohnpei Office of the Public Auditor.

The Development of Financial Audit Approaches and Impact on Efficiency and Effectiveness 

The financial statement audit, aims to provide confidence in financial statements for users’ decisions. Financial statement auditors give an independent opinion on whether financial statements are presented in accordance with the designated framework and accurately represent an entity’s financial position and activity outcomes. As organizations have developed and grown in size, so has the complexity of their operations, which have greatly influenced financial statement audit approaches. These developments do not erase the previous methods; instead, it builds upon them to make the audit process more efficient and effective.

Supreme Audit Institutions in the Wake of the Pandemic: Addressing Methodologies and Challenges in a New Era

In the aftermath of the global pandemic, operational, financial, and strategic landscapes within audited entities have dramatically transformed. This shift necessitates Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) to revise their auditing methodologies and face novel challenges as they seek to assess the pandemic’s impact on audited agencies effectively.