Task Force Incorporates Stakeholder Feedback to Draft Strategic Plan

Author: INTOSAI Task Force on Strategic Planning
The INTOSAI Task Force on Strategic Planning continues to make significant progress in developing the INTOSAI Strategic Plan for 2023-2028.[1] Based on the results of the internal and external scans the Task Force conducted, the Task Force subsequently drafted the new plan. The Task Force then presented the draft plan to the INTOSAI Governing Board in December 2021 for approval, highlighting three key changes between the existing and new plan. Specifically, the Task Force:
- Made the strategic plan more concise and reached agreement that detailed information on actions to implement the strategic objectives will go into operational plans for each goal. The Task Force proposed that the four Goal Chairs develop the operational plans prior to INCOSAI 2022 using a standard template. The operational plans will be available on the INTOSAI website and the Goal Chairs will have the option of updating them each year to adapt to changing circumstances.
- Changed the crosscutting priorities to organizational priorities and substantially decreased the amount of related text in the plan. The organizational priorities in the draft plan focus on SAI Independence, contributions to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, resilient SAIs, equality and inclusiveness, and enhancing strategic partnerships.
- Retained the existing four-goal structure but revised the underlying text to focus less on specific committees and apply more broadly across relevant INTOSAI bodies and functions.
In April 2022, the Task Force collected feedback from all INTOSAI members on the draft strategic plan and operational planning template. The Task Force is very pleased that the response from INTOSAI members has been overwhelmingly positive and constructive and looks forward to continued engagement with members as it finalizes the strategic plan. The Task Force plans to circulate a final draft plan to all members for review, in time to deliver a consensus strategic plan for adoption at INCOSAI 2022.
The Task Force will continue to provide updates on its planning efforts through the INTOSAI website, International Journal of Government Auditing, and summaries of meetings attended by Task Force members.
The Task Force intends to ensure that INTOSAI continues to evolve as a dynamic and inclusive organization while further enhancing our role in promoting SAI independence, good governance and accountability.
If anyone would like further information or has additional insights or suggestions, please contact the Task Force at intosaisp@gao.gov.
[1]The TFSP includes the INTOSAI General Secretariat; Goal Chairs and Vice-Chairs; Policy, Finance and Administration Committee (PFAC) members; Regional Organization Chairs and Secretariats; INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI); INTOSAI Journal; and the Forum of INTOSAI Professional Pronouncements (FIPP) Chair and Vice-Chair. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) chairs the TFSP.