State Authorities to Report to SAI Peru on Possible Conflicts of Interest

For the first time, state authorities will be required to submit a sworn statement to the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru on their personal, family, employment, economic, and financial ties, to identify and avoid possible conflicts of interest. This measure will help ensure the transparency, independence, and objectivity of those who serve in public administration.
According to a new law and its regulations, those required to submit this statement will include the President and Vice President of the Republic; ministers and vice ministers; regional governors and vice governors; mayors and councilors; heads of public entities, agencies, programs, and special projects; and professionals and technicians in charge of contracting. These individuals will also have to report whether their spouses or partners own or have equity interests in companies, partnerships, or other similar entities, as well as other relevant information.
SAI Peru implemented an online system to facilitate the complete and timely virtual registration of the sworn statements of interest by early October 2021. The SAI will publish the statements on its website and use government databases to verify their accuracy. More information is available at