Passing of the Gavel: UAE Hands Over INTOSAI Chairmanship to Russia

In an official ceremony held at the Manege Exhibit Hall in Moscow, Aleksei Kudrin, President of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, assumed Chairmanship of the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) from Dr. Harib Saeed Al Amimi, President of the State Audit Institution of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Dr. Al Amimi, outgoing Chairman, shared his honor in representing INTOSAI for the past three years.

“This organization represents the best of international coordination and cooperation. As public sector external auditors, we are in the privileged position to look across the whole spectrum of government activity. To share our experiences with others from our regions and beyond provides an added dimension to our organizations.”
He also noted the bold agenda SAI Russia has taken on that includes “developing many ideas of innovation, relevance and the future role of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs).”
In his address to Congress delegates, Kudrin, incoming Chairman, confirmed the robust plan that has been designed to guide INTOSAI for the next three years. He also affirmed the importance of the Accounts Chamber role in leading the organization.
Kudrin emphasized SAIs as objective sources of information to inform decision-making and noted the importance of contributing to international audit standards, enhancing SAI collaborative efforts to build capacity, and adding value to the lives of citizens.

Kudrin has consistently held, “Our citizens want to see clear results of our work. People expect our recommendations to the government to be more balanced.”
The Accounts Chamber, as INTOSAI Chair, aims to accomplish two all-embracing goals in particular:
- Increase the value of SAIs by developing consulting and research roles without risk to independence, which, in turn, will positively influence the lives of citizens; and
- Create an electronic platform that consolidates best practices, staff training programs and information about new technologies that SAIs can employ to facilitate implementation efforts.
“It is an honor and a great responsibility for us, and I am confident that we will accomplish this mission properly,” Kudrin concluded.