New SAV AG Promotes Transparency, Citizen Ownership

I will try…to ensure transparency, contribute to guaranteeing citizen democracy and ownership, enhancing oversight and supervision of public funds, and preventing and fighting against corruption and waste.”
Doctor Ho Duc Phoc, Auditor General, State Audit Office of Vietnam
On April 5, 2016, Doctor Ho Duc Phoc was appointed by the National Assembly as Auditor General (AG) of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (SAV). He was nominated by the Chairwoman of the National Assembly (NA) and was approved by the majority of the NA. Dr Phoc says that, “I will try, with my utmost efforts, together with other leaders of the SAV and the entire Office, to achieve political goals and tasks assigned by the NA; ensure transparency in the operation of agencies and organizations using and managing public finance and assets; contribute to guaranteeing citizen democracy and ownership; enhancing the oversight and supervision of public funds and asset management; and prevent and fight against corruption and waste.”
Dr. Phoc holds a PhD degree in Economics, and has taken leading roles in the political authorities of Nghe An Province, Vietnam. His tenure spans 2016-2020.
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