INTOSAI General Secretariat Holds First Virtual Governing Board, Bids Farewell to Esteemed Colleague

INTOSAI Holds First Virtual Governing Board
In these challenging times requiring innovative, flexible and forward-thinking solutions, the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) has proven, once again, it is a community that embraces opportunities provided by the digital realm.
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, INTOSAI bodies have hosted more than 50 meetings online. Moreover, many reported heightening visibility, increasing inclusiveness, and reaching a much broader audience than ever before through regular (virtual) gatherings—a bright spot considering the global pandemic’s numerous restrictions and implications.
On November 10, 2020, the INTOSAI General Secretariat hosted the first virtual INTOSAI Governing Board meeting. Representatives from 33 Supreme Audit Institutions attended the meeting, which was chaired by the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and moderated by the INTOSAI General Secretariat.
The meeting included simultaneous interpretation into six languages, and, despite geographical distances and time differences, Governing Board members reached important decisions on safeguarding INTOSAI operations during and post-pandemic and implementing progressive projects to shape the organization’s future as well as capacity building projects and standard setting framework.
Governing Board members also approved the themes for INCOSAI XXIV to be held in Brazil in 2022—Theme I: “The Work of Supreme Audit Institutions in the Context of Public Calamities” and “Theme II: Global Voice, Global Outcome, Far Reaching Impact.”
Adaptations and recommendations were made to INTOSAI meeting procedures that enable formal decision-making using a virtual format, and INTOSAI is planning for promising advancements in digitalized capacity building, education and knowledge sharing, including the launch of “INTOSAI Digital University.”
For more information on Governing Board meeting outcomes and the latest INTOSAI news, visit the INTOSAI website at

Farewell to Monika González-Koss
After nearly 30 years of dedicated and passionate service to the Austrian Court of Audit and INTOSAI General Secretariat, Monika González-Koss has begun a well-deserved retirement.
As the primary point of contact and communication hub for all INTOSAI members and its external stakeholders, she has embodied INTOSAI’s motto, “Mutual Experience Benefits All” like few other. She supported four Secretaries General and helped organize and thematically shape 10 INTOSAI Congresses, 15 United Nations/INTOSAI Symposia and 40 INTOSAI Governing Board meetings. She paved the way for INTOSAI’s strategic development as Director of Strategic Planning, was an adamant ambassador for inclusion and equity, and always helped find common ground for diverging viewpoints.
The INTOSAI General Secretariat would like to thank her for her energy, enthusiasm and wholehearted commitment. We wish her the very best for the future, good health and many lovely and inspiring activities in this new chapter of her life.