International Observatory on Government and SAI Pandemic-Related Initiatives Officially Launched

The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru officially launched the “International Observatory of Government and Supreme Audit Institution (SAI) Initiatives in Relation to COVID-19” website in August 2020.
The observatory, designed to share comparative experiences and knowledge on COVID-19 Pandemic oversight work, was developed in collaboration with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (Accounts Chamber), International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) Chair and Chair of INTOSAI’s Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues.
Observatory data was enriched through a survey conducted by the Accounts Chamber, which yielded responses from INTOSAI member SAIs on pandemic-related activities. The website currently maps measures taken by governments and SAIs in 64 countries representing all official INTOSAI regions.
The observatory also provides valuable pandemic-related resources and publications from governments, SAIs, INTOSAI regions and international organizations, including the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, and United Nations.
Nelson Shack Yalta, Comptroller General of the Republic of Peru, notes that SAIs, as institutions responsible for monitoring the sound use of public goods and funds, “play a central role in the crisis framework, which requires exercising the same flexibility as respective governments to ensure transparency and good governance.”
He adds that SAI Peru addresses this need by employing the new Concurrent Control Model strategy.
The observatory, currently available in English and Spanish, can be found at