Online Training Opportunity Addressing Accountability in Challenging Times, Building Auditor Resilience

The International Journal of Government Auditing and National Intergovernmental Audit Forum are pleased to announce there is space available at no cost for individuals from INTOSAI member Supreme Audit Institutions to participate in the 23rd Biennial Forum of Government Auditors July 28-30, 2020!
As the COVID-19 Pandemic has posed significant global challenges and has reinforced the importance of independent oversight, the forum’s theme, “Accountability in Challenging Times and Building Auditor Resilience,” is more relevant than ever.
The event (see draft agenda) aims to explore ways to enhance responsiveness, maintain internal controls and build resiliency—key principles in the auditor’s toolbox in addressing natural disasters, financial crises and pandemics.
Registration information and requirements:
- Space is available for a maximum number of 100 participants (limited to two individuals per Supreme Audit Institution) on a first come, first served basis
- To register, please provide your first name, last name, job title, email address and organization to Paul Miller at
- Deadline for registration is Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 5 p.m. (Washington, D.C. time)