Tag: Winter 2020

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2020 EUROSAI Congress to Illustrate Future of Audit

In the very heart of Europe—Prague, Czech Republic—representatives from all European Supreme Audit Institutions (EUROSAI) will unite to participate in the XI EUROSAI Congress from May 31-June 4, 2020. The Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic…

Innovation Labs: Embrace Change to Reap Rewards

Potential useful data is piling up everywhere. Scientific and Technological (S&T) advances are happening quickly and are, just as quickly, becoming difficult to follow. Discussions on topics—such as audit automation, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain—abound, as does advice to move everything to the infamous cloud, and these trends are certainly impacting…

Data, Auditing & Strategy: Unlocking Knowledge in Capitalizing on Opportunities, Addressing Challenges

Data has become a prominent auditing buzzword—as revealed through the increased use of the term throughout the global accountability community to include the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and its member Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). While data opens up new possibilities for SAIs…

OLACEFS Participates in 2019 CAII

Numerous delegates representing OLACEFS contributed to the 2019 Annual International Conference for Integrity (CAII), an event hosted by SAI Peru. In his opening address, Nelson Shack Yalta, OLACEFS President…

Grand National Débat: The French Supreme Audit Institution Connected to the Citizens

Confronted with a movement protesting the gas tax increase, the French government took action by launching a National Grand Débat to promote direct exchange with citizens. This national consultation was designed to shed light on citizen concerns within four main themes—ecological transition, taxation, public services and democracy. The consultation was divided into two phases…